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produce. The Upiawa Fondowa or Mortgage Bank, the only large State institution of the kind in Servia, makes advances to a large amount for agricultural operations.

Money, Weights, and Measures.

Servia accepted, by the law of June 20, 1875, the French decimal system for its moneys, weights, and measures. The Servian dinar is equal to one franc. In circulation are gold coins of 10 and 20 dinars (milan d'or) ; silver coins of 5, 2, 1, and O'S dinar ; bronze of 2, and nickel of 20, 10, and 5 paras.

The decimal weights and measures (kilogram, metre, &c.) have been in practical use since the commencement of 1883.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Servia in Great Britain. Charge d' Affaires. — Slavko Y. Grouitch.

First Secretary. — Alex V. Georgevitch. Co7isul-General for London. — Alexander Tucker.

There are Consular representatives in Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, and Sheffield.

2. Of Great Britain in Servia.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. — Sir Ralph Paget, K.C.M.G., C.V.O., appointed 1910. Secretary. — D. Crackanthorpe. Vice-Consul. — C. L. Blakeney.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Servia.

1. Official Publications. Srpske Novine (Official Gazette), Statisticki godisnjak Kraljevine Srbije. (Annuaire Statistique du Royaume de Serbie), and the publications issued by the various Depart- ments of Government. Belgrade.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Coquelle (P.), Le Royaume de Serbie. Paris, 1894.

Cora (Guido), Fra gli iSlavi Meridionali. Rome, 1904. — Contribuzione alia etnografia della Croazia e della (Serbia. Naples, 1903.

Durham (Mary E.), Through the Lands of the Serb. London, 1904. The Burden of the Balkans. London, 1905.

Gopcevic (S.^ Serbieu und die Serben. Leipzig, 1S88.

Qubernatis (Comte A. de). La Serbie et les Serbes. Paris, 1S98.

ffani<2 (F.), Serbien : Historisch-ethnographische Reisestudieu aus den Jahren 1859-68. Leipzig, 1868. — Das Konigreich Serbien und das Serbenvolk von der Rbmerzeit bis zur Gegenwart. 3 vols. lieipzig, 1904.

Lazarovich-HrcbcHanovich (Prince), The Servian People, their past glory and their destiny. London, 1911.

Mallat (J,), La Serbie Contemporaine. 2 vols. Paris, 1902.

Mijatovitch (Elodie Lawton), The History of Modern Serbia. London, 1872. Serbian Folk-Lore. (Translated from the Serbian). London, 1899.

Mijatovtc/i (Chedo), Servia of the Servians. London, 1908. New edition, 1911.'^

Miller (W.), The Balkans. In " Story of the Nations " Series. 8. London, 1896.— Travels and Politics in the Near East. London, 1898.

Millet (Rene), La Serbie economique et comraerciale. Paris, 1889.

Minchin (J. G. C), The Growth of Freedom in the Balkan Peninsula. London, 1886.

Murray (W. S.), The Making of the Balkan States. London, 1912.

Muzet (A.), Aux Pays Balkanique (Montenegro, Servia and Bnlgaria). Paris, 1912.

Ranke (L. von), The History of Servia and the Servian Revolution. London, 1S5.3. translated by Mrs. Alex. L. Kerr. — Die serbische Revolution. Berlin. 1878.

Sci!inobos(G.), Histoire politique de I'Burope contemporaine. Paris, 1897. [Eng. Trans. London, 1901.]

raiZJandter (Saint-Rene), La Serbie au XlXesiecle. Paris, 1872.

r«7«a(A.), Serbien. Hannover, 1894.

Ftvfa/i (H.), Servia, the Poor Man's Paradise. London, 1897.— The Servian Tragedy. London, 1904.

Yovanojntch (V. M.), An English Bibliography on the New Eastern Que.'ition (1481-1900).

Belgrade, 1909.

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