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(Republica del Salvador.)

Constitution and Government. — In 1839 the Central American Federation, which had comprised the States of Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, was dissolved, and Salvador became an independent Republic. The Constitution, proclaimed in 1824 under the Federation, and modified in 1859, 1864, 1871, 1872, 1880, 1883, and 1886, vests the legislative power in a Congress of 42 Deputies, 3 for each depart- ment. The election is for one year, and by universal suffrage. The executive is in the hands of a President, whose tepure of office is limited to four years.

President of the Repiiblic. — Dr. Manuel E. Araujo. Inaugurated March 1, 1911, for four years.

Vice-President. — Seiior Onofre Duran.

The administrative affairs of the Republic are carried on, under the President, by a ministry of four members, having charge of the departments of :— The Exterior, Justice, Worship, and Instruction ; War and Marine ; Interior and Government ; Finance, Public Work, and Beneficence.

The army may be divided into three parts: (1) available force, 78 officers, 512 petty officers, and 15,554 men ; (2) forces that can be made available at short notice, 49 officers, 356 petty officers, and 11,176 men; (3) reserve force, 251 officers, 1,743 petty officers, and 15,554 men. Total, 378 officers, 2,611 petty officers, and 82,881 men. In case of Avar, military service is compulsory from 18 to 50 years of age. There is one custom- house cruiser.

Area and Population.— The area of the Republic is estimated at 7,225 English square miles, divided into 14 departments. Population (1 Jan. 1912), 1,161,426. The number of foreigners in the Repul)lic is estimated at 200,000. Aboriginal and mixed races constitute the bulk of the population, Ladinos or Mestizos being returned as numbering 772,200, and Indians 234,648. The capital is San Salvador, with 59,540 inhabitants. Other towns are Santa Ana, population 48,120; San Miguel, 24,768; Nueva San Salvador, 18,770 ; San Vicente, 17,832 ; Sonsonate, 17,016.

The number of births in 1911 was 49,179 (46,866 in 1910) ; the number of deaths 26,472 (27,353 in 1910). Of the births in 1911, 25,028 were males, and 24,151 were females.

Instruction and Justice.— Education is free and obligatory. There are in Salvador 486 primary schools, with 868 teachers and 21,569 enrolled pupils (11,633 boys and 9,936 girls). There are also 20 higher schools (including 3 normal and 3 technical schools) and special schools for juris- prudence, and for medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry.

Justice is administered by the Supreme Court of Justice, one court of third instance (in the capital) and several courts of first and second instance, besides a number of minor courts. All judges of second and third instance are elected by the National Assembly for a term of 2 years, while the judges of first instance are appointed by the Supreme Court for a similar period.

Finance. — Revenue and expenditure (in silver dollars) for five years : —


Revenue .


Dollars 12,063,739 11,372,684


Dollars 13,251,626 12,606,248



Dollars ; Dollars 13,477,078 13,129.750 12,941,191 13.286,750


Dollars 13,140,415


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