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Population: Movement of Population in European Russia. Report of the Medical Department. -Tear-Book for IPll, hy the Central Statistical Committee. St. Peters- burg, 1912.

Postal and Telegraph Statistics. Annual. — Statistical Review of the Russian Railways and Internal Water Communications. — River Fleet in the Memoirs of the Statistical and Cartographical Section of the Ministry of Ways of Communication. — Monthly Publication of the Statistical and Cartostraphical Section of the Ministry of Ways of Communications.

Trade: Review of the Foreign Trade of Russia for 1910. St. Petersburg, 1912. — Review of the Foreign Trade on the European Frontier for 1911. St. Peters- burg, 1912.

French, English, ^c.

Premier Recensement General de la Population de I'Empire de Russie, 1897. Livraisons 1-7. St. Petersburg, 1898 — 1905. — Releve General pour tout I'Empire des resultats du depouillement des donnees du premier recensement de la population en 1897. St. Petersbourg, 1905. 2 vols, in 4to.

Marine marchande russe. Liste des batiments. Issued by the Department of Trade. St. Petersburg.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. London.

Hertslet (Sir Edward), Foreign Office List. Published annually. London.

Statistik Arsbok for Finland, utg. af Statistiska Centralbyran. Annual. Helsingfors.

Statesman's Handbook for Russia. Edited by the Chancery of the Committee of Ministers. St. Petersburg.

2. Non-Official Publioations.

Aitof (D.), The Russian Empire. In Hugh Robert Mill's International Geography.' 4th ed. London, 190S. — Peuples et langues de la Russie d'apr^s les donnees du premier recensement de la population execute en 1897. In AnnnJes de Geopraphie. No. 79. 190ti. With ethnographical map of European Russia.

Alexinsl-y (G.), La Russie Moderns. Paris, 1912. [English Edition, London, 1913.]

Antropof, Financial and Statistical Atlas of the Russian Empire. St. Petersburg, 1898.

Baring (M.), The Russian People. London, 1911.

Baedeker' s Ru.fiii\a.nd. Europaisches Russland, Eisenbahnen in Russisch-Asieu, Te- heran, Peking. 6th ed. Leipzig, 1904.

Berard (V.), The Russian Empire and Czarism. [English Translation.] London, 1905.

Bonmariage (Dr. A.), La Russie d'Europe. Paris, 1903.

Broekhaus and Efron's Cyclopaedia, Russia Present and Past. St. Petersburg, 1900. (In Russian.)

Diakoff (A.), La Russie et les Etrangers. Bruxelles, 1903.

Drage (G.), Russian Affairs. London, 1904.

Foulke{W. D.), Slav or Saxon. A Study of the Growth and Tendencies of Russian Civilization. 3rd ed. London, 1904.

Gam (H.), The Downfall of Russia. [Eng. Trans, from the German]. London, 1904.

Jane (F. T.), The Imperial Russian Navy. New Ed., London, 190t.

Rleinschmidt (A.), Drei Jahrhunderte russischer Geschichte, 159S-189S. Leipzig, 1898.

Kovalevsky (E.), I'Instruction publique en Russie. Exposition Universelle de 1905 a Lii'-ge. St. Petersburg, 1905.

Kovalevsky (Maxime), Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia. London, 1891. — Le Regime economique de la Russie. Paris, 1898. Institutions Politiques de la Russie Paris, 1903.

Kovaleiosky (W. de), L'Agriculture en Russie. Paris, 1897.— La Russie h la Fin du XIXe Siecle. Paris, 1900.

A'fnnarrf (Dr.), Year-Book of Russia. London. Annual.

Kluchevsky (V. C), A History of Russia (Translated from the Russian). 3 vols. London, 1911.

Kropotkin (F.), Memoirs of a Revolutionist. 2 vols. London, 1899.— The Terror in Russia, issued by the Parliamentary Russian Committee. London, 1909.

Lavisse (E.) Rambaud (A.), and others, Histoire Generale. Vols. X , XI. Paris, 1898-99.

Leger(h.), Russes et Slaves. Pans, 1890. — Second Series. Paris, 1897.

Leroy-Beaulieu (Anatole), L'Empire des Tsars et les Russes. 3 vols. Paris, 1882 [Rnglish translation. London, 1893-96.] — Etudes russes et europeennes. Paris, 1897.

Martin (R.), The Future of Russia. [Trans, from the German.] London, 190G.

Matthaei (Fr.), Die wirthschaftlichen Hulfsquellen Russlands. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1887.

Jtfeafcm (Annette M. B.), Russia: Travels and Studies. London, 1904.

Meakin (Annette B.), Russia: Travels and Studies. London, 1906i

MilioukoffiF.), Essai sur 1' Histoire de la Civilisation russe. Paris, 1901. Russia and

its Crisis. London, 1905.

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