A Russian vassal State in Central Asia, lying between N. latitude 43° 40' and 40°, and E. longitude 57° and 62° 20'. Bounded on the north by the Aral Sea, on the east by the river Oxus, on the south and west by the Russian Trans-Caspian province.
Seyid Asfendiar Khan succeeded his father in 1910 as reigning sovereign ; born about 1871. The heir-apparent, accepted by Russia, is Nasyr Tyouara, son of Asfendiar.
Russian relations with the Khanate of Khiva — an Usbeg Stati.', founded, like that of Bokhara, on the ruins of Tamerlane's Central Asian Empire — date from^the beginning of the 18th century, when, according to Russian writers, the Khivan Khans first acknowledged the Tsar's supremacy. In 1872, on the pretext that the Khivans had aided the rebellious Kirghiz, an expedi- tion advanced to the capital, bombarded the fortifications, and compelled the Khan to sign a treaty which puts the Khanate under Russian control. A war indemnity of about 274,000^. was also exacted. This heavy obligation, still being liquidated by yearly instalments, has frequently involved the Khan in disputes with his subjects, and Russian troops have more than once crossed the frontier to aff"ord him aid and support.
The Khans of Khiva have been Mohamed Rahim Khan,. 1806-25 ; Alia Kuli Khan, 1825-42 ; Rahim Kuli Khan, 1842-45 ; Mohamed Arnin Khan, 1845-55 ; Abdulla Khan, 1855-56 ; Kutlugh Murad Khan, 1856 ; Seyid Mo- hamed Khan, 1856-65 ; Seyid Mohamed Rahim Khan, 1865.
Area, 24,000 square miles; population estimated at 800,000, including 400,000 nomad Turcomans. Chief towns— Khiva, 4,000-5,000 ; New Urgenj, 3,000 ; Hazar Asp, and Kungrad.
The religion is Mahomedan. Army, about 2,000 men.
The chief commercial products are cotton and silk.
Books of Reference concerning Khiva.
Abbott (J.), Narrative of a Journey from Herat to Khiva. London, 1884.
Burnaby (Col.), A Ride to Khiva. London, 1884.
MacGahan(J. A.), Campaigning on the Oxus and the Fall of Khiva. London 1874.
Reclus(E.), Nouvelle Geographic universelle. L'Asie Russe. 1881.
Rocca (F. de), De I'Alai a rAmou-Daria. Paris, 1806.
Wood (H.), The Shores of the Lake Aral. London, 1876.
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Russia.
1. Official Publications.
Administration : Official Messenger. By Ministry of the Interior (Daily).
Agriculture: Annual Statement respecting Crops in Russia. By the Central Statistical Committee (Yearly).— Report on Forestry. By the General Direction of Land Organization and Agriculture.— Stati stical Data, published by the General Director of State Monopolies : Tobacco Product, Alcohol Productions, Sugar Industry.
Finance: Vestnik Finansov. By Ministry of Finance (Weekly).— Report of the State's Control for 1911. St. Petersburg, 1912. — Year-Book of the Ministry of Finance. St. Petersburg, 1911.
Instruction : Statistical Data of Elementary Schools in the Russian Empire. Last Issue.— Data as to Agricultural Schools.— Report of Department of Mines.— Report of General Director of Military Schools.— Report of the Minister of Public Instruction.— Report of the Procurator of the Holy Synod.— These are annual publications.
Industry: Collection of Reports of Inspectors of Manufactories for 1911. St. Petersburg, 1912.
Justice : Statistics concerning Judicial Institutions. St. Petersburg, Annual.— Collec- tion of Statistical Data concerning Criminal Affairs.— Reports on Prison Administration.
Mines : Report of Department of Mines (Annual).
Navy: Annual of the Ministry of the Navy.