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Helyot (P. Pierre), Histoire des Ordre.s Monastiques, Religieux et Militaires. 8 vols, Paris, 1714-21 ; new ed., 1792 ; latest ed., 3 vols., 1838. (For this work, recast in dictionary form and brought up to date by Badiche, see Migne's Encyclopedic Theologique.)
Uergenrdther (Card. Joseph), Die katholische Kirche und der christbche Staat in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung. Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1872.— Regesten des Papstes Leo X Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1884.— Photius. 3 vols. Regensburg, 1667-69.
Hofier (K. A. K. von). Die deutschen Piipste. 2 vols. Regensburg, 1839.--Papst Adrian VI. Wien, 1880.
Hiibner (Baron de), Sixte-Quint. 2 vols. New ed. Pans, 1882.
Hurler (Friedrich Emanuel von), Geschichte Papst Innocenz des Dntten und seiner Zeitgenossen. 4 vols. 3rd and 2nd ed. Hamburg, 1841-44.
Jaffe (Philippus), Regesta Pontificum Roraanorum ab Condita Ecclesia ad annum 1898. 2 vols. 2nded. Lipsiae, 1885 and 1888. ^ . ,•
Labbeuslvhil.) and Cossartius (Gabriel) (S.J.), Sacrorum Concilionim Nova et Amplis- im amplissima Collectio. Mansi's edition. 31 vols. Florentiae, 1759-98.
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Letnrouilly (Paul-Marie), Le Vatican et la Basilique de Saint-Pierre de Rome. 2 vols, Paris, 1882. ^ , . ,...
Maistre (Comte Josepli de). Du Pape. 2 vols. Lyon, 1819, and many later editions. [English translation hv .Eneas MacDonnell Dawson. London, 1850.] ,„„o ,«
Mann (Worace K.), The Lives of the Popes in the Middle Ages. 8 vols. London, 1902-10
Milman (Henry Hart, D.D.), History of Latin Christianity ; including that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicholas V. 4th ed. 9 vols. London, 1867. , . „ ,„„
Mirot (Leon), La politique pontiflcale et le retour du Saint-Siege a Rome en ld7b.
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