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apostolic vicariates, and 68 apostolic prefectures, most of them held by titular archbishops or bishops (until 1882 called 'in partibus infidelium').^

The central administration of the Roman Catholic Church is carried on by a number of permanent committees called Sacred Congregations, composed of Cardinals, with Consultors and Officials. There are now eleven Sacred Congregations, viz , Holy Office, Consistorial, Discipline of the Sacraments, Council, Religious, Propaganda Fide, Index, Rites, Ceremonial, Ex- traordinary Ecclesiastical Atfairs, Studies. Besides these there are several permanent Commissions, for example, one for Biblical Studies, another for Historical Studies, another for Preservation of the Faith in Rome, another for Codification of Canon Law. Furthermore, the Roman Curia contains three tribunals, to wit, the Apostolic Penitentiary, the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, and the Sacred Roman Rota ; and, lastly, various offices, as the Apostolic Chancery, the Apostolic Datary, the Apostolic Chami)er, the Secretariate of State, etc.

The States wherewith the Holy See maintains diplomatic relations are Austria- Hungary, Bavaria, Belgium, Luxemburg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, Spain, and Switzerland, together with nearly all the American Republics, except the United States and Mexico.

Books of Reference.

Abert (F. Ph.), Papst Eugen IV. Eiu Lebensbild aus der Kirchengeschichte dcs funfzehnten Jahihunderts. Mainz, 1884.

Addis (Will B.) and Arnold (Thos.), A Catholic Dictionary. 7tli ed., revised by T. B. Scannell, D.D. London, 1905.

Allies (Mary H.), Pius the Seventh, 1800-1823. London, 1897.

-4ihes (Thomas), The Formation of Christendom. 4th ed. 5 vols. London, 1904, &c.

Annuario Pontiflcio (La Gerarchia Cattolica, La Curia Romana, etc.). Annual, Rome.

Armellini (Cav. Mariano), Le Chiese di Roma dal Secolo IV. al XIX. Roma, 1891.— Gli antichi cimiteri cristiani di Roma e d'ltalia. Roma, 1893.

Artmid de Montor (Alexis-Frangois), Histoire du Pape Pie VII. 2 vols, Paris, 1830, and ten later editions. — Histoire du Pape Leon XII. 2 vols. Paris, 1843, — Histoire du Pape Pie VIII. Paris, 1844.

firtlitze (8tei)hanus), Vitae Paparum Avenionensium. 2 vols, Parisiis, 1693,

Barbitr de Montault (Xavier), Les Souterrains et le Tresor de Saint-Pierre a Rome. 3rd ed. Rome, 1886. — Le Ccstume et les Insignes du Pape. Amiens, 1874,

Barry (Will., D,D,), The Papal Monarchy from St, Gregory the Great to Boniface VIII. 590-1303). London, 1902. [In ' Story of the Nations ' Series.]

Baxmann (Rudolph), Die Politik der Papste von Gregor I. bis auf Gvegor YII, 2 parts. Elberfeld, 1868-9.

Beaufort (Gomte de), Histoire de I'invasion des Etats Pontificaux et du siege de Rome par I'armee italienne en septembre 1870. Paris, 1874.

Beugnot (Comte Arthur Auguste), Histoire de la destruction du Paganisme en Occi- dent. 2 vols. Paris, 1835.

Boulting (William), ^ueas Silvius (Enea Silvio de' Piccolomini : Pius II.), Orator, Man of Letters, Statesman, and Pope. London, 1909.

Braun (Joseph, S. J.), Die Liturgische Gewandung im Occident und Orient. Freiburg- im-Breisgau, 1907.

(7a67-oZ (Abbot Fernand, O.S.B.), Dictionnaired'archeologie chr^tienne et de liturgie, etc. Paris, 1903, &c. (In progress.)— Les Origines Liturgiques. Paris, 1906.

Capecelatro {Alfonso, afterwards Cardinal), Storiadi S. Caterina da Siena e del Papato del suo tem])o. 4th ed. Siena, 1878,

Carde^Za (Lorenzo), Memorie Storiche de'Cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. 9 vols. Roma, 1792-97,

Cartwright (William Cornwallis), On Papal Conclaves, Edinburgh, 1868.

Chandlery (Peter Joseph, S. J.), Pilgrim-Walks in Rome. 3rd ed. London, 1908

GlaconiiLS [Chacon] (Alphonsus, O, P.), Vitae, et Res Gestae Pontificum Romanorum

i Within the British Empire the present number of Roman Catholic residential sees is 142, viz., 33 archbishoprics and 109 bishoprics, besides 2 apostolic delegations, 41 apostolic vicariates (held by Bishops of titular sees), and 12 apostolic prefectures: while the Roman Catholic population subject to King George V. is estimated at 13,044,256 souls, of whom 5,800,520 are in Europe; 2,288,898 in Asia; 498,905 in Africa; 3,271,358 in British America; and 1,184,509 in Australia, New Zealand, and

Oceania (Catholic Directory, London).

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