with about 20 mines are already at work. The military force consists of not less than 1,082 men (786 natives). The Mormngao railway (51 miles) connects this port with the lines of British India. The estimated revenue of Goa, &c., in 1910-11 was 1,165,239 milreis ; expenditure 1,098,379 milreis. The trade is largely transit. In 1910 the imports by sea and land amounted to 6,704,848 rupees, the exports to 2,565,395 rupees, and the transit trade (to and from British India) to 5,336,999 and 30,587,738 rupees respectively. Chief exports, 1910 : cocoa-nuts, 1,292,364 rupees ; tresh fruit, 180,817 rupees ; fish, fresh and salted, 170,664 rupees ; spices, 168,133 rupees ; caju-nuts, 144,607 rupees ; salt, 113,112 rupees ; copra, 105,666 rupees ; manganese, 51,468 rupees. The ports were visited in 1910 by 3,524 merchant vessels of 488,298 tons (Mormngao by 1,736 vessels of 427,913 tons), besides coasting trade. There are in Portuguese India 18 telegraph offices and 167 miles of telegraph line.
Macao, in China, situated on an island of the same name at the mouth of the Canton River, forms with the two small adjacent islands of Taipa and Coloane, a province, the city being divided into two wards, one inhabited b}' Chinese and the other by non-Chinese, each having its own administrator. The population, according to the census of 31 December, 1899, is 63,991 (38,083 males and 25,908 females), of which 12,894 in Taipa and Coloaiie. The whites are 3,919. There are 3,780 Portuguese, 60,057 Chinese and 154 of various nationalities. Estimated revenue, 1910-11, 636,450 milreis ; expenditure, 636,450 milreis. The military force contains at least 488 men (164 natives). The trade, mostly transit, is in the hands of Chinese. Imports (1909) 16,632,102 Mexican dollais, of which 6,591,964 in junks; exports (1909) 15,091,555 Mexican dollars, of Avhich 7,624,177 in junks. The port of Macao was visited in 1909 by 1,486 merchant steamers of 897,459 tons and 6,437 junks of 6,056,710 piculs.
Portuguese Timor consists of the eastern portion of the island of that name in the Malay Archipelago, with the territory of Ambeno and the neighbouring isle of Pulo Cambing. By treaty of 1859 the island was divided between Portugal and Holland ; by convention of October 1, 1904, ratified in 1908, a boundary arrangement was made between the two govern- ments, certain enclaves being exchanged and the possession of other territories settled. This possession, formerly administratively joined to Macao, was in 1896 made an independent district. Estimated revenue, 1910-11, 200,000 milreis ; expenditure 200,000 milreis. Military force not less than 323 men (212 natives). Imports (1910) 441,128 milreis; exports, 404,837 milreis. Chief exports (1910) : coffee, 239,289 milreis; sandal wood, 55,965 milreis; sandal-root, 57,533 milreis ; coju'a, 37,093 milreis ; wax, 21,091 milreis. The port of Dilly was visited in 1910 by 410 merchant vessels of 165,496 tons.
The Cape Verde Islands, fourteen in number, are administered by a Governor, whose seat is at Praia, the capital. The population according to the census of December 31, 1910, is 142,552 (65,495 males and 77,057 females), including 290 foreigners, and its distribution is as follows : whites, 4,718 ; coloured, 87,249 ; negroes, 50,585. Military force not less than 264 men (168 natives). The chief products are coffee, medicinal produce, and millet. The estimated revenue in 1910-11, 448,393 milreis; expenditure, 428,533 milreis; imports (January to October, 1911), 1,648,879 milreis; exports, (January to October, 1911), 270,125 milreis. The ports of the Archipelago were visited in 1910 l>y 1,907 merchant vessels of 5,326,612
tons, besides coasting trade.