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salaries of the Royal household and retired allowances, 193,000Z. for household expenses, 90 OOOJ for works, 13,200Z. for alms and bounty, and S,O00L remains unapproiiriated. The same Civil List Act of 1910 also provides for an annuity of V0,000i. to Queen Mary in the event of her surviving the King. Siiould the Prince of Wales marry, the Princess of Wales will receive an annuity of 10,000Z., and should she survive the Prince of Wales, this annuity will be raised to one of 30,000L Further, there is to he paid to trustees foi; the benefit of the King's children (other than the Duke of Cornwall) an annual sum of 10 OOOZ in respect of eacli son (other than the Duke of Cornwall) who attains the age of 21 vears and a further annual sum of 15,000i. in respect of each such son who marries, and an annuity of 6,000/. in respect of each daughter who attains the age of 21 or marries. The FirstCommis-sionerof the Treasury, the Ciiancellor of the Exchequer, and the Keeper of the Kind's Pri vv Purse are appointed the Royal Trustees under this Act. Queen Alexandra, the Oueen-Motlier. receives the annuity of 70,000/. provided by the Civil List Act of 1901. Civil List pensions mav be granted, but are not chargeable on the sum paid for the Civil List All these payments are charged on the Consolidated Fund, into which the surrendered hereditary revenues are carried. The King has paid to him the revenues of the Duchy of Lancaster, the payments made therefrom in 1911 being 64.U00/. lor His Majesty's use, and 1,002/. to the executors of his late Majesty, King Edward VIL

On the Consolidated Fund are charged likewise the following sums allowed to members of the royal family:-25,000/. a year to the Duke of Conuaught; 6.000L to Prmcess Christian of Schleswig-Holsteiu; 6,000/. to Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll; 6 000/. to Princess Henry (Beatrice) of Battenberg; 3,000/ to the Grand Duchess ol Mecklenburg- Strelitz- 6 000/. to Princess Helena of Waldeck, Duchess ot Albany; 6,000/. to the Duchess' of Edinburgh; and 6,000/. to each of the late King's daughters.

The Heir Apparent has an income from the revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall, uie payment in 1911 on his account being 84,5001.

Sovereigns and sovereign rulers of Great Britain, from the union of the

crowns of England and Scotland: —

Date of Accession.

House of Shcart.

Date of I Accession.

Ho^ose of St^tart.

James I. Charles I.

1603 Anne. 1625


1649 1653

1660 1685

1689 1694

House of Hanover.

George I, . George II. George III. George IV. William IV. Victoria Edward Vli George \.

1714 1727 1760 1820 1830 1837 1901 1910


Parliamentary Executive Protectorate

House of Stuart. ■ Charles II. Jaincs II. ...

House of Stuart- Or any c. William and Mary . William III. .



Constitution and Government.

I. Imperial and Central.

The suDreme legislative power of the British Empire is by its Constitution civen to Parliament. Parliament is summoned by the writ of the sovereign fssued out of Chancery, by advice of the Privy Council, at least thirty-five days previous to its assembling. i ^„f fi„.

The annual session extends from the middle ot February to about the end of August, or occasionally later. Every session must end with a proroga- tion and Twit all Bills which have not been passed during the session then lapse. A dissolution may occur by the will of the sovereign, or a^ is most usual, during the recess, by proclamation, or finally by lapse ot time the statutory limit of the duration of the existence of any I arhament^

being five years.

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