torpedo boats, and one submarine. Building : 2 coast defence battleships, 1 destroyer, 1 torpedo boat, and 4 submarines.
The navy numbers about 130 officers on active service and about 150 in the reserve, and about 1,000 petty officers and seamen on permanent engagement. All seafaring men between the ages of twenty-two and forty-one are en- rolled on the lists of the active fleet, and are liable to the maritime con- scription. The conscripts (about 1,000) have to go through a training of at least 6 months.
Production and Industry I. Agriculture.
Of the total area, 75 per cent, is unproductive, 21 "5 per cent, forest, and 3 "5 per cent, under cultivation. On September 30, 1907, there were 188,356 real estates separately registered, and the number of farms was 246,634. The 246,634 farms were classified as follows according to their cultivated area : —
Without cultivated area (not including gardens) . . 20,839
Up to 2 hectares 2-01-10 10-01-50 Above 50
most of them special
The 33,557 farms without cultivated area are estates of gardens, and not cultivated meadow land.
The average annual produce in hectolitres per hectare for 1906-1910 was : wheat, 22*4 ; rye, 24 "9 ; barley, 29*4 ; mixed corn, 35 "5 ; oats, 35-6 ; peas, 21 "6 ; potatoes 230-1 hectolitres.
The products of the harvests for 3 years were as follows : —
1911 ! 1912
Wheat, qrs
Barley, ,,
Oats, ,,
Rve, ,,
Mixed Corn, qrs
Potatoes, bushels .... Hay, tons
351,. S08
32,818 i ' 38,977
?08,859 362,521
1,059,447 1,363,453
114,877 122,408
56,069 ' 77,280
21,336,496 i 28,903,279
2,466.512 i 3,129,768
On September 30, 1907, there were :— Horses, 172,468 ; cattle, 1,094,101 ; sheep, 1,393^488 ; goats, 296,442 ; swine, 318,556 ; reindeer, 142,623.
The value of cereals imported (including flour) was 66,649,400 kroner in 1911 ; the principal article being rye. The imports of animal products amounted to 13,141,000, and their exports to 103,978,800 kroner.
II. Forestry.
The total area covered with forests is estimated at 26,685 square miles, of which 75 per cent, is under pine trees. The State forests occupy about 3,044 square miles, administered by a forest staff" under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture. The value of unwrought or partly wrought timber exported from Norway in 1911 was 34,188,200 kroner, and of wrought timber
(mostly wood pulp) 43,870,400 kroner.