are, besides, 5 communal compulsory schools, established mainly for children neglecting the ordinary school.
Justice and Crime.
For civil justice Norway is divided into 104 districts, each with an inferior court. There are 3 superior courts, having each one chief justice and two other justices, and one supreme court for the whole kingdom {Eoiesteret), consisting of 1 president and at least 6 other justices. There is a court of mediation [Forligelseskommission) in each town and Hcrred (district), consisting of two men chosen by the electors, before which, as a rule, civil cases must first be brought.
According to the law of criminal procedure of July 1, 1887, all criminal cases (not military, or coming under the Migsret—ihe court for impeachments) shall be tried either by jury ( Lagmandsret) , or Meddomsret. The Lagmandsret consists of three judges and 10 jurors. The Kingdom is divided into 4 jury districts (Lagdommer), each having its chief judge. Each district is divided into circuits, in which courts are held at fixed times. The Meddomsret consists of the judge and is held in the district of the inferior court, and 2 assistant judges (not professional) summoned for each case. The Lagviandsret takes cognisance of the higher classes of offences. The Meddo7nsret is for the trial of other offences, and is also a court of first instance.
There are four convict prisons ; inmates, June 30, 1912, 385 males and 40 females. There are 148 local prisons, in which were detained, June 30, 1912, 416 males and 34 females.
The relief of the poor is mostly provided for by local taxation by the State. The number of persons receiving relief amounted to 79,690 in 1910.
Revenue and expenditure in thousands of kroner (18 kroner = II. }:
Years ending
Direct Taxes
Indirect Taxes
1,000 kr. 46,260 50,605 51,543
67,615 56,529 59,610
Other Sources
l.OOOkr. 100,081 114,209 114,937
144,5882 122,244S 128,279*
l,000kr. 17,990 24,268 17,747
22,029 19,508 19,270
March 31 1906 1907 1908 June 30 19091 1910 1911
1,000 kr. 6,721 6,340 7,910
8,712 9,357
1,000 kr. 39,683 43,149 45,051
59,251 50,291 53,958
1,000 kr. 14,026 14,892 15,252
19,920 15,462 15,374
1,000 kr.
27,895 28,483 31,575
41,205 34,416 35,855
1,000 kr. 38,804 41,005 43,391
47,365 50,400
1,000 kr,
137,268 116,751 120,905
^ In accordance with Act of Constitution, June 8, 1907, the financial year is altered from April 1— March 31 to July 1— June 30. The transitional Budaet 1908-09 had to be granted for 15 months.
■■ Including 9,010,400-15 kr. raised by loans (whereof for railways, 8,720,159-01 kr.).
" Including 6,060,043-72 kr. raised by loans (whereof for railways, 5,801,410-64 kr.)
- Including 4,944,689-74 kr. raised by loans (whereof for railways, 4,872,168-69 kr )