Surinam or Dutch Guiana.
Dutch Guiana or Surinam is situated on the north coast of S. America between 2 and 6° N. latitude, and 53° 50' and 58° 20' E. longitude, and bounded on the north by the Atlantic Ocean, on the east by the river Marowijne, which separates it from French Guiana, on the west by the river Corantyn, which separates it from British Guiana, and on the south by inaccessible forests and savannas to the Turmchumce Mountains.
At the peace of Breda, in 1667, between England and the United Nether- lands, Surinam was assured to the Netherlands in exchange for the colony of New Netherlands in North America, and this was confirmed by the treaty of Westminster of February, 1674. Since then Surinam has been twice in the power of England, 1799 till 1802, when it was restored at the peace of Amiens, and in 1804 to 1816, when it was returned according to the Convention of London of August 13, 1814, confirmed at the peace of Paris of November 20, 1815, with the other Dutch colonies, except Berbice, Demerara, Essequibo, and the Cape of Good Hope.
The superior administration and executive authority is in the hands of a governor (W. D. H. Baron van Asbeck), assisted by a council consisting of the governor as president, a vice-president and three members, all nominated by the Queen. The Colonial States form the representative body of the colony. The members are chosen for 6 years by electors in proportion of one in 200 electors.
Dutch Guiana is divided into sixteen districts and numerous communes.
Area, 46,060 English square miles ; population (January 1, 1911) 86,233, exclusive of the negroes living in the forests. Capital, Paramaribo, 35,346 inhabitants.
There is entire religious liberty. At the end of 1911 there were : Reformed and Lutheran, 9,620 ; Moravian Brethren, 26,238 ; Roman Catholic, 17,329 ; Jews, 933 ; Mohammedans, 10,584 ; Hindus, 17,018, &c.
There were, in 1910, 25 public schools with 2,889 pupils, and 39 private schools with 6,016 pupils. There are Moravian and Roman Catholic normal schools and a central school.
There is a court of justice, whose members are nominated by the Sovereign. There are three cantonal courts and two circuit courts.
The relations of Government to pauperism are limited to subventions to orphan-houses and other religious or philanthropical institutions.
The local revenue is derived from import, export, and excise duties, taxes on houses and estates, personal imposts, and some indirect taxes.
Loca] Revenue
1908 1909 1910 1911 1912
5,081,000 5,148,000 6,738,174 7,308,191 6,992,637
4,130,000 4,330,000 5,815,588 5,489,141 6,105,000
951,000 818,000 922,586 819,050 888,000
The estimates for 1913 are: Expenditure, 7,312,315 6,474,962 gl. Subvention, 837,353 gl.
The Dutch forces in the West Indies consist of a civic guard and infantry, the latter containing, in 1910, 14 officers and 274 non-commissioned officers and men. There are a few guard ships, with some vessels of the royal navy.
In 1910 sugar was produced to the amount of 12,015,100 kilogrammes;
cacao, 1,683,000 kilogrammes; bananas, 462,200 bunches; coftee, 202,300