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The following arc the treaties concerning Morocco from 1S60 to 1912 :— (1) Treaty of Tetuau, between Spain and Morocco, April 2<3, 1S60; (2) Supplementary Treaty to last, October 30, 1S61 ; (3) Treaty of Commerce, between Spain and Morocco, November 20, 1861 ; (4) Convention of Madrid, signed by the European Powers, on June 3, ISSO, relative to the exercise of protection : (j) Treaty of Marakesh, between Spain and Morocco, March 5, 189-1 ; (0) Additional Convention to last, February 24, 1895; (7) Franco Spanish Agreement, relative to Spanish possessions of the Sahara and Guinea, June 27, 1900 : (8) Franco-Britisli Treaty of April S, 1904 ; (9) Franco-Spanisli Agreement of October 3, 1904 ; (TO) Franco-Spanisli Agreement of September 1, 19U') ; (11) Act of Algeciras, April 7, 1906; (12) Franco-Hispana-British Agreement of 1907; (13) Franco-German Trealy of February, 1909; (14) Franco-Moroccan Agreement of March 21, 1909; (15) Hispano- Moroccan Agreement of November 16, 1910 ; (16) Franco-German Agreement of November 4, 1911 ; (17) French Protectorate Treaty with Morocco, March 30, 1911 ; (18) Franco- Spanish Treaty of Madrid of November 27, 1912.

French jResidcnt- General.— Geneva! Lyautey, appointed April 28, 1912.

Area and Population.

According to the most recent investigation, the area is about 219,000 English square miles. Population generally considered to be about 5, 000,000. A French officer. Captain N. Larras, who has been in the country since 1898, estimates the numbers at from 4,340,000 to 4,580,000. To the Atlantic coast region, Tangier to Mogador, he assigns 2,200,000; to the Atlas-Riff country, 1,500,000 ; to the Muluya valley, 200,000 ; to the Sus valley, 200,000; while in the region from the southern slopes of the Atlas stretching into the Sahara, he estimates the numbers thus : "Wad Draa, 100,000 to 250,000; Wad Ziz with Tafilet), 120,000 to 200,000; Wad Gir (with Figig), 20,000 to 30,000. The population consists of Berbers, Tuaregs Shellah Berbers, Beduin and Mued Arabs, and a considerable number of Jews and Negroes.

An agreement (July 20 1901) makes the valley of the Wad Gir the boundary between France and Algeria, and to the east of this only those who acknowledge French authority will be permitted to dwell. A French and Moroccan Commission is entrusted Avith the formation of police arrange- ments in the region. The number of Christians does not exceed 10,000 (7,000 in Tangier). Fez, the capital, has a population of about 140,000, and Tangier about 35, 000. Morocco city is the southern capital . Tlie Sultan and his subjects are of the Malekite sect of Sunnite Mohammedans.

Finance, Defence.

Customs revenue estimated at 440,000?. The Moroccan debt consists of French and German loans (1904-06) amounting to 3,040,000/. ; Avar ex- penditure, indemnities, &c., 2,960,000/.; and various advances and loans, 2,200,000/. ; total, 8,200.000/. The French loans amounting to 2,480,000/. should be repaid in half-yearly instalments up to 1941. In 1910 a new 5per cent, loan of 101,124,000 francs was obtained from the Moorish State Bank.

The Shereefian army is to be organised as folloAvs, under command of a French general : —

Service is to be compulsory, substitution being allowed ; the term of ser\dce Avill be generally 4 years. There is to be a Shereefian guard of 2 battalions, 2 squadrons and 1 mountain battery, to form the permanent garrison of Fez. The rest of the army is to consist of 9 battalions, 5 squadrons, 4 mountain batteries, 1 engineer battalion, and departmental troops. Companies, squadrons and batteries Avill be commanded by French officers, Avith a due proportion of French K.C.O.'s. Obligatory service is only to be gradually imposed upon the tribes.

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