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Fischer (P. D.), Italieu und die Italieuer am Sclilusse de.s ueuiuehuten Jahrhuuderts. Berlin, 1899.

Fischer (T.), La Penisola Italiatia. Torino, 1902.

Forbes (Sir C. S.), The Campaign of Garibaldi in the Two Sicilies : a Personal Narrative. Edinburgh, 1861.

Giornale degli economists e rivista di stefisfioa— pubblicazione mensile. Roma. Gli Albori della Vita italiana. [A series of essays by various writers on the origin of the Communesof Florence, Milan, Venice; the origin of Monarchy in Piedmont and Naples ; the Papal Power and the Commune of Rome ; the Religious Orders and Heresy]. 2 vols, Milan, 1890-91.

Godkin (G. S.), Life of Victor Emmanuel II. London, 1878.

(rregforouiw* (Ferdinand), Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittclalter. 4th edition. 4 vols. 8. Stuttgart, 1886. English Translation by Mrs. A. Hamilton. Vols. I. -VIII. London, 1902. Grlmaldi-Gasta (L.), Superticie efc Population du Royauine d'ltalie. (Bulletin de I'Institut international de staiistiquc). Tome xii. 2'"* livraison.

//are (A. J. C), Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily. London, 1883. Cities of Northern Italy. London, 1884. Cities of Central Italy, 2 vols. London, 1884. Days near Rome. 4th ed. London, 1906. Florence. 5th ed. London, 1901. Venice. 5th ed. London, 1901. Walks in Rome. 17th ed. London, 1905. The Rivieras. London, 1897. Hodgkin(T!.), Italy and Her Invaders. 8 vols. London, 1896-99. Hutton (E.), Italy and the Italians. London, 1902.

King (Bolton), History of Italian Unity, 1814-71. 2 vols. London, 1899. King (B.) and Okey (T.), Italy To-day. London, 1901. Revised edition. 1911. La Riforina socia^e— Russegna di questioni economiche, finanziarie e soclali. Torino. Lindsay (S. M.), and Rowe{L. S.), The Constitution of Italy. Ruix (G. A.), Amendments to the Italian Constitution. [These publications are No. 135 and No. 155 of the series issued by the American Academy of Political and Social Science.] Philadelphia.

Mabilleau (L.), Bayneri (Ch.), et Rocquigny (Comte de). La Prevoyance sociale en Italic. Paris, 1898.

Macmillan's Guides. Guide to Italy and Sicily 5th ed. London, 1905.— The Western Mediterranean. London, 1902.

Marriott(J. A. R.), The Makers of Modern Italy : Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi. [Contains a short bibliography relating to the period.] London, 1889.

Massari (G.), La Vita ed 11 Regno di Vittorio Emanuele 11. di Savoia. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Milan, 1878.

Murray's Handbooks for Travellers. North Italy and Venice, 16th ed., 1904; Central Italy and Florence, 12th ed., 1901 ; South Italy, Pt. I., 9th ed., 1903 ; Pt. II., 9th ed., 1905 ; Rome and the'Campagna, 17th ed., 1908. London.

Nathan (E.), Vent'anni di vita iialiana attraverso all' " Annuario." Roma, 1900. Nissen (H.), Italische Landeskunde. Vol. I., 18S3, Vol. II.. 1902. Berlin. Nitti (F.), Per I'istituzione, di un istituto nazionale di afficurazione. Roma, 1911. Orsi (Pietro), Modern Italy. London, 1900.

Tinurdi (G), e Schiavi (A), L'ltalia Economica. Annuario statistico economico dell' indnstria, del commercio, della fluanze, del lavoro. Milan, 1908.

Pingaud (A.), L' Italic de 1810 k 1846 ; Revolution et Reaction en Italie ; L'ltalie de 1870 a nos jours [vols x. xi. xii. of Histoire Generale. Paris, 1898-1899.]

Probyn (J. W.), Italy from the Fall of Napoleon I. (1815-1890). London, 1892. Raikes (Judge), The Maritime Codes of Italy. New ed. London, 1901. Raseri (Enrico), Families italiennes qui parlent habituellement des idiomes etrangers recensees dans le Royaume le 10 fevrier, 1901. (Bitlletin de I'Institut international de statistique). Tome xii. 2'" Livraison.

Raseri (Enrico), Atlante di demografla e geugrafia medica d' Italia, in 78 tavole. Roma, 1906.

Rive (M. de la), Reminiscences of the Life of Cavour. London, 1862. Rodocanachi (E.), Les Corporations ouvrieres a Rome depuis la Chute de 1' Empire Rouiain. 2 vols. Paris, 1896.

Rolfe (F. V. N.), Naples in 1888. London, 1889. Naples in the Nineties. London, 1897 [This author's consular reports on Naples also contain much interesting information.]

Sensini (G.) Le variazioni dello stato economico d'ltalia nell' ultimo trentennio del secolo XIX. Roma, 1904.

Statistica delle societa cooperative italiane esistenti nel 1902, fatta a cura della Lega Nazionale delle cooperative italiane. Milano, 1903.

Stilhnan (W. J.), The Union of Italy 1815-1895. Cambridge, 1898. Francesco Crispi. London, 1899.

Symonds (J. A.), Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece. 2d. ed. 3 vols. London, 1898. Thayer (W. R.), The Dawn of Italian Independence, 1814-1849. 2nd ed. 2 vols. New York, 1893.

Tivaroni (C), Storia Critica del Risorgimento Italiano. 9 vols. Rome. Underwood (¥. M.), United Italy. London. 1912.

Wermert (G.), Die Insel Sicilien. Berlin, 1905,

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