1006 ITALY
Imports in 1911 amounted to 430,000/. (440,168/. in 1910), and exports to 190,000/. (183,703/. in 1910). Sponge iishing was started in 1885. In the season ending September 30, 1911, the value of sponges from the waters of Tripoli amounted to 920,000 francs.
There is a plan before the Italian Parliament i)roviding for 3 sailings a week to and from Syracuse ; weekly sailings between Palermo and TripoU ; and a line to and from Venice, besides the regular service from Genoa.
In 1902, the tonnage cleared at Tripoli amounted to 270,000 ; in 1909, 353,929 ; in 1910, 365,796 ; and in 1911, 360,000
The principal means of communication inland are the caravans which follow long frequented routes. Tripoli (town) is connected by telegraph cable with Malta, and by land lines with Murziik (Fezzan) and Gabes (Tunis).
There is a British Consul at Benghazi, and a Vice-Consul at Khoms,
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Italy. 1. Official Publications.
The publications of the various Departments of Government: Agriculture Industry and Commerce ; Credit; Public Works; Treasury; Finance; War; Marine- Interior- Public Instruction ; Justice ; Foreign Affairs ; Post and Telegraplis ; Colonies '
The Annuario Statistico Italiano (Annual), issued by the General Statistical and Labour Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, gives statistical information about Italy and its colonies.
Census publications are issued by the General Statistical Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce.
2, Non-Official Publications. — Italy.
^mo<iJma<o,Dizionariocorografico dell' Italia. 8 vols. Milano, 1868-80.
Annuario statistico delle Citta' itaiiane. 3^ annee. Florence 1910.
Baccaglini (A.), La legislazione italiana sul credito agrario. Roma" 1911
£ac/« (R)L'IUliaeconomica. (Annual). (Societa tip, editrice Nazionale). Torino. ^^^^(^«<lf^«^^^^ovt-hiivn Italy, 13th ed., Leipzig, 1906; Central Italy and Rome, 14th ed. 1904; Southern Italy, with Excursions to Malta, Sardinia, Tunis! and Corfu, 15th ed Leipzig, 1908 ; Italy from the Alps to Naples, 2nd ed. Leipzig, 1908
Banot (R.), The Italians of To-day. London, 1912.
Berger (H) Annuario della stampa, della libreria, delle arti e Industrie affini. Milan.
Blashfield (E. H. and E. W.), Italian Cities. 2 vols. London, 1901.
Bodio (L.), Di alcuni indici misuratori del movimento econoraieo in Italia. 3a edizion riveduta ed ampliata. Roma, tipografia nazionale di G. Bertero '
Carmic/iaei (M.), In Tuscany. Loudon, 1901.
Gesaresco (Countess Martenengo), The Liberation of Italy. London, 1894.— Cavour London, 1S98.— Lombard Studies. London, 1902.
Church (Sir R.), In Italy and Greece. (Secret Societies). London, 1895
Cinquajitaarmidivita ituUana--pnhhlicazione fatta sotto gli auspici del Governo ner cura della R. Aecadeinia dei Lincei. 2 vol. Milano, 1911.
Corradini (E.), Sopra ie vie del nuovo Impero. '.Milaii, 1912
Crawford (F. Marion), Ave Roma Imraortalis. London, 1898.— Southern Italy and Sicily and the Rulers of the South. London, 1905.— Gleanings from Venetian History 2nd ed. London, 1907. "
Cruiclcshanlc (J W. and A. M.), The Umbrian To\vus. (Historical Guides). London, 1901.
nebidouriA.), Formation de 1' Unite Italienne, vol. xi. of HistoireG(5nerale. Paris, 1S99
Deeeke (W.) Italy : A Popular Account of the Country, its People, and its Institutions including Malta and Sardinia). Eng. Trans. London, 1904.
Dicei/(E.), Victor Emmanuel. London, 1882.— Cavo'ur : a Memoir London, 1861.
Dizionario dei conmni e frazioni di comiuie secondo il censimento generale della popolazione al 10 febbiaio, 1901, tenuto conto delle variazioni di nome, &c., accertate flno al 31 dicembre, 190(5— rividuto a cura della Direzione 4;enerale della Statistics, Rome, 1907 icn?"-^^ (Bella), The Tuscan Republics. [In 'Story of the Nations ' series.] London. 1 o9 2.
Edwardes (C), Sardinia and the Sardes. London, 1889.
Ferraris (C. F.), luscritti nel diciottennio scolastico dal 1893-94 al 1910-11 e Lameati e diplomat! nel seKsennio scolastico dal 1904-05 al 1909-10 nelle Universita e negli Istituti superion Itahani. Turin, 1911. ^
inJ^'nf*^/^;T^:^' Stranieri inscritti (1906-07-1910-11) e Laureati i diplomati (1905-06-
190J-10) nelle Universita e negli Istituti supcriori Italian!. Venezia, 1912.