nickel coins, 7,000,000 gourdes; bronze coins, 225,000 gourdes; total, 15,514,812 gourdes. It is estimated there are also 2,100,000 dollars in American gold in circulation. The bank notes are to be issued by tlie "Banque Nationale de la Republique d'Haiti " under the control of the Haitian Government. In 1907 the premium on gold as against Haitian gourdes rose to 500 per cent, in consequence of the issue of 2,000,000 nickel gourdes. On August 19, 1912, a law was approved providing for the with- drawal from circulation within two years of 6,000,000 gourdes. On August 1, 1912, some 2,000,000 gourdes were to be withdrawn, and a similar amount on August 1, 1913, and 1914 respectively.
The weights and measures in use are those of France,
Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.
1. Of Haiti in Great Britain. Minister Resident.—-^. B Dorsainvil.
Secretary of Legation. — Louis A. Guillaume.
Consul. — Maurice Erdmann.
There are consular agents at Belfast, Cardiff, Cork, Liverpool. Manchester, Southampton, Grimsby, Dundee, Glasgow.
2, Of Great Britain in Haiti.
Minister. — Stephen Leach (Resident in Cuba), Feb. 26, 1913, E.M. Vice-Consul. — J. Pyke. Vice-Consul (honorary). — E. D. Watt.
Statistical and other Books of Eeference concerning Haiti.
1. Official Publications.
Foreign Office Reports, Annual Series. London.
Haiti. Bulletin No. 62 of the Bureau of the American Republics. Washington, 1SP2.
Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States. 2 vols. Annual, Washington.
2. Non-Official Publications.
•irdoum (Beaubrun), Etudes surl'histoire de Haiti. 10 vols. Paris, 1853-61. AuUn (B.), En Haiti. Paris, 1910.
ForfMnat(Dantes), Nouvelle geographie de I'ile de Haiti. Port-au-Prince, 1888. Janvier (L. J.), Les Constitutions d'Haiti (1801-1885). Paris 1886. La R^publique d'Haiti, 1840-82. Paris, 1883.
Justin (J.), Etude sur les Institutions Haitiennes, Paris, 1894.
Leger (J. N.), Haiti, Her History and Detractors. New York, 1907.
Madiou (N.), Histoire de Haiti. 3 vols. Port-au-Prince, 1847.
Pritchard (Hesketh), Where Bl£-ck Rules White. London, 1900.
St. John (Sir Spenser), Haiti, or the Black Republic. 2nd. ed. London, 1889.
Tippenhauer (L. Gentil), Die Insel Haiti. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1893.