Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Greece.
1, Official Publications,
Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. London.
Commerce special de la Grece avec les pays etrangers. Bulletin trimestriel. Athens.
Compte Rendu (annuel) des operations de la Commission Financiere Internationale.
Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series and Miscellaneous Series. London.
Regarding political transactions concerning Greece from 1S26 on\vard.s, the Parliamentary papers (correspondence, conventions, protocols, treaties, reports, &c.)are available.
Correspondence Respecting the Finances of Greece, Nos. 1, 2, and 3 (1S98). fC —8778 • C— 8818; and C— 8849. f. London, 1898. v / l •
2. Non-Official Publications.
Andreopoulos (Stavi'os), Memoirs on the Greek Revolution, written by Photios Chrysanthopoulos or Photalcos. 2 vols. [In Greek.] Athens, 1900.
Atkinson (S), An Artist in Corfu. London, 1911.
Baedeker's Greece. 4th ed. Leipzig, 1908.
Barnngton (Mrs. Russell), Through Greece and Dalmatia. (Illustrations.) London, 1912. '
Bent (J. Th.), Modern Life and Thought Amongst the Greeks. London, 1891. The Cyclades : Life Amongst the Insular Greeks. London, 1885.
5emrd (Victor), La Turquie et rHellenisnie Contemporain. Paris, 1893.— Les affaires de Crete. Paris, 1900.
Bickford-Sviith(B.. A. H.), Greece under King George. London, 1893.
Corporation of Foreign Bondholders, Report of Council, Appendix. Annual. London.
Dubois (M.), et Guy (C), Album G^ographique. Vol. III. Paris, 1899.
Finlay(G.), A History of Greece, b.c. 146— a.d. 1864. New ed. 7 vols. Oxford, 1877.
Frazer (J. G.), Pausanias's Description of Greece. 6 vols. London, 1898.
Freeman (E. A.), Greater Greece and Greater Britain. London, 1886.
Gobineati (Comte de), Deux Etudes sur la Grece Moderne. Paris, 1905.
Greco-Turkish War of 1897. From Official Sources. By a German Staff Officer. FEn!-' Trans.] London, 1898.
Gtierber (H. A.), The Story of the Greeks. London, 1898.
Guillaume (Baron), Grece Contemporaine. Bruxelles, 1901.
fsambert (G.), L'Independance Greque et TEurope. Paris, 1900.
Lavibros (Sp. P.), History of Greece to the reign of Otho. [In Greek.] Athens, 1886.
Lardy (E.), La Guerre Greco-Turque. Paris, 1699.
Macmillan's Guides : "Guide to Greece, the Archipelago, Constantinople, the Coasts of A.sia Minor, Crete, Cyprus, &c." 4th ed. London, 1908.
Mahaffy (J. P.), Rambles and Studies in Greece. 5 ed. London, 1907.
Martin (P. P.), Greece of the Twentieth Century. London, 1912.
Miller (W.), Greek Life in Town and Country. London, 1905.
Murray's Handbook for Greece. 7th ed. London, 1905.
Papparigopoulos (K.), History of the Hellenic Nation. 2nd ed., 5 vols. (In Greeks Athens, 1886.
Philaretos (G, S.), Constitution Grecqae. [In Greek ] Atliens, 1889.
Philippson (A.), Thessalieu und Epirus. Berlin, 1897.— Griechenland und seine Stel- Jung im Orient. Leipzig, 1897.— Beitriige zur griechischen Inselwelt. Leipzig, 1901.
Phillips (W. A.), The Greek War of Independence, 1821-33. London, 1897. -
Rodd (J. Rennell), The Customs and Lore of Modern Greece. London 1892.
Schmedler, Geschichte des Konigreichs Griechenland. Heidelberg, 1876.
Seignobos (C), Histoire politique de I'Europe Contemporaine. Paris, 1897. Eng. Trans 2 vols. London, 1900.
Sergeant (L.), Greece in the 19th Century. London, 1897.
Symowds (J. A.), Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece. 3 vols. 2nd ed. London 1898. '
Tozer(R. F.), Lectures on the Geography of Greece, London, 1873.— The Islands of the ^gean. Oxford, 1890.
Trikoiipes (S.), History of the Greek Revolution. [In Greek ] 4 vols. Londf>n, 1860.
Wordsworth {BishoM Ch.). Greece: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. New ed. (revised Tozer). London, 1882.
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