February 15, 1877, to Princess Marie of Waldeck-Pyrmont, who died April 30, 1882 ; issue : Princess Pauline, born December 19, 1877, married October 29, 1898, to Prince Friedrich of Wied. (2), April 8, 1886, Princess Charlotte of Schaumburg-Lippe, born October 10, 1864.
The former Duchy of AViirttemberg became, with a large increase of territory, an electorate in 1803, and was erected into a Kingdom by the Peace of Pressburg, 1805, and by a decree of January 1, 1806. The civil list of the king amounts to 102,299Z., with additional grants of 2,528?. for the other members of the royal family.
Constitution and Government.— Wiirttemberg is a constitutional hereditary Monarchy, the Constitution of which bears date September 25, 1819, but certain changes were made by the law of July 16, 1906. The Constitution vests certain powers in the Laudstande, or two 'Estates' of the realm, called together at least every two years to discuss and sanction the estimates. In the first chamber arc : 1. The princes of the Royal House ; 2. the heads of princely or countly (griifiich) families to whose possessions a vote in the imperial or provincial diet was formerly annexed ; also the heads of 2 other families conditionally ; 3. members (not more than 6) appointed by the King ; 4. 8 members of knightly rank ; 5. 6 ecclesiastical dignitaries ; 6. a representative of the University of Tubingen, and one of the technical high school of Stuttgart ; 7. 2 repre- sentatives of commerce and industry, 2 of agriculture, and 1 of handi- crafts. The second chamber consists of : 1. a deputy from each district (Oberamtsbezirk);; 2. 6 deputies from Stuttgart, and 1 from each of 6 other towns ; 3. 9 deputies from the Neckar and Jagst circle, and 8 from the Black Forest and Danube circle. All the members of the second Chamber are chosen for 6 years, and they must be thirty years of age ; property qualification is not necessary. The president of the Upper Chamber is appointed by the king, the vice-president is elected by the Chamber from among the mediatised princes and nobles (royal princes and life members being ineligible) ; the president and vice-president of the Second Chamber are both elected by the deputies. When the Chambers are not sitting they are represented by a committee of twelve persons^ consisting of the presidents of both Chambers, two members of the Upper, and eight of the Lower House. A special court of justice, called the Staats-Gerichtshof, is appointed guardian of the Constitution. It is composed of a president and twelve members, six of whom, together with the president, are nominated by the king, while the other six are elected by the combined Chambers. Members of both Chambers receive 15 marks a day for attendance, a free pass over the railways, re-imbursement of incidental travelling expenses.
Last election, 1906 : Conservatives, 15 ; German Party, 13 ; Socialists, 16 ; People's Party, 23 ; Centre, 25.
The executive is a Ministry of State of six ministerial departments. The heads being the Ministers of Justice ; of Foreign Aflfairs and the Royal House, to whose province belongs also the administration of the State railways, posts, and telegraphs ; of the Interior ; of Ecclesiastical Affairs and Public Education ; of War ; and of Finance, There is also a Privy Council (Geheimer Rat), of which the Ministers and some Councillors (Wirkliche Staatsrate) are members, and which the sovereign has a right to consult on all occasions.
For administrative purposes the country is divided into 4 circles (Kreise). 64 districts (Oberiirater), and 1,899 communes (Gemeinden).
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