(358 students), 1 forestry academy at Tharandt (109 students), and 1 veterinary high school at Dresden (230 students) ; further, 19 Gymnasia, 18 Realgymnasia, 5 ' Oberrealschulen, ' 29 'Realschulen,' 26 seminaries, 5 higher girls' schools and 'Studienanstalten ' (1912), altogether 106 educational establishments, with a total attendance of 32,927 (1911), exclusive of the University and a large number of industrial, commercial, agricultural, musical, and art institutes. The University of Leipzig is one of the largest in Germany (5,170 students). See under Germany.
Justice, Crime, and Pauperism.— Saxony has one 'Oberlandesgericht,' at Dresden, 7 ' Landgerichte', and 111 ' Amtsgerichte. ' The ' Reichsgericht ' has its seat at Leipzig. In 1909, 30,798 persons were convicted of criminal offences.
Recent statistics of pauperism are not available.
Finance. — The financial period extends over a term of two years. The budget for each of the two years 1912-13 estimated the receipts from State property and taxes at 19,161, 297Z., and the cost of working and of collection at 13,556,886Z., the surplus being 5,604, illZ. Other receipts were estimated at 3,499, 836Z., and expenditure at 9,104,247^., so that the ordinary revenue and expenditure balanced at 22,661,133^. The extraordinary expenditure for 1912-1913 was put at 3,834,385^. More than one-half of the total revenue is derived from domains, forests, and State railways. Expenditure on public debt, 1,939,475^. for each of the years 1910 and 1911. Public debt, 1911, 43,494,725Z. incurred almost entirely on railways and telegraphs, and other works of public utility.
Production and Industry. — Saxony is, in proportion to its size, the busiest industrial State in the Empire, rivalled only by the leading industrial provinces of Prussia. Textile manufactures form the leading branch of industry, but mining and metal working are also important.
In 1911, of the total area, 2,466,864 acres M'ere under cultivation, viz. : — 2,028,246 acres (82-22 per cent.) arable; 422,370 acres (17-12 per cent.) meadow ; 15,639 acres (0-63 per cent.) pasture; 609 acres (0-03 per cent.) vineyard ; besides 950,256 acres underwood, of which 445,588 acres belonged to the State.
Areas under the chief crops in acres and the yield in metric tons (of 2,204 lbs.) in 1910 :—
Metric tons
Crop Acres
Metric tons
Wheat . Rye Barley .
Oats . , 479,819 Potatoes . 1 311,031 Hay. . . ; 422,370
312,711 266,384 391,507
On May 1, 1911, the factory hands in Saxony were returned at 757,518, of whom 494,848 were males and 262,670 females ; 246,069 were engaged in the textile industry, 121,208 in the manufacture of machinery and tools, 54,439 in industries connected with stone and earth, and 47,627 in those connected with paper and leather. The total number of factories and industrial establish- ments was 30,623. The following shows the mining statistics for hve
years ; —