2 with 167 pupils ; Realschulen, 5 with 1,254 pupils ; 6 preparatory schools with 618 pupils ; higher private schools, 18 with 2,154 pupils ; normal schools, 2 with 398 pupils ; navigation schools, 2 with 129 pupils ; agricul- tural school, 1 with 55 pupils ; technical schools, 2 with 196 pupils in the summer session and with 303 pupils in the winter session ; institutions for the deaf and dumb, 1 with 54 pupils ; institution for the blind, 1 Avith 90 pupils; schools for artisans, 50 with 5,843 pupils. There is a university at Rostock (see German Empire).
There are 43 Amtsgerichte, 3 Landgerichte, and 1 Oberlandesgericht at Rostock, which is also the supreme court for Mecklenburg-Strelitz. There are also certain special military and ecclesiastical tribunals.
There exists no general budget for the Grand-duchy. There are three systems of finance, entirely distinct. 1. That of the Grand-duke, estimated for July 1, 1912-13, at 1,143,100/. 2. The financial administration of the States, the resources of which are very small. 3. The common budget of the Grand-duke and States, the receipts and expenditure of which balance at 339,345Z. (for July 1, 1912-13). On July 1, 1912, the public debt was estimated at 7,026,670/. The interest of the railway debt (306,045/. )» and of the consolidated loan of 1886, amounting to 600,000/. is covered by the aniiuity of 48,000/. paid by the State railways, and the remaining debt is more than covered by the State funds.
Consul-General. — W. E. Hearn (Hamburg).
(Grossherzogtum Mecklenbitrg-Strelitz. )
Grand-duke Adolf Friedrich, born July 22, 1848 ; the son of Grand-duke Friedrich Wilhelm and of Princess Augusta, the daughter of the late Duke Adolphus of Cambridge ; succeeded at the death of his father, May 30, 1904 ; married April 17, 1877, to Princess Elizabeth of Anhalt, born September 7, 1857. Offspring : Mary, born May 8, 1878 ; Jutta, born January' 24, 1880 ; married July 27, 1899, under the name of Militza, to Prince Danilo of Montenegro ; Adolf Friedrich, born June 17, 1882.
The reigning house of Mecklenburg-Strelitz was founded, in 1701, by Duke Adolf Friedrich II., youngest son of Duke Adolf Friedrich I. of Meck- lenburg. There being no law of primogeniture at the time, the Diet was unable to prevent the division of the country, which was protested against by subsequent Dukes of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. The Grand-duke is, however, one of the wealthiest of German sovereigns, having seignorial rights over more than one-half of the country.
Mecklenburg-Strelitz has, in common with Mecklenburg-Schwerin, a Diet consisting of landowners and town magistrates. The country is divided into two provinces : Stargard, which alone participates in the Constitution, and Ratzeburg, whose special Constitution, framed in 1869, was put in force in 1906. Of the 48 burgomasters and nearly 800 members of the Ritter- schaft (see MecMenh%irg-Schwcrin), 7 burgomasters and over 80 proprietors of Rittergliter belong to Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
A form of constitutional government is about to be introduced. The executive is entirely in the hands of the Grand-duke, and is exercised by him through his Government, at the head of which is a 'Minister of State.' For 1910-11 revenue 236,660/., expenditure 226,500/. Debt, July 1, 1910,