References concerning Hesse.
Hof-und-Staats-Iiandbuch des Grossh. Hessen. Darmstadt. Beitrage zur Statistic des Grossh. Hessen. 61 Bde. Darmstadt, 1S62-1911. Mitteilungen der Grossh. Hess. Zentralstelle fiir die Landesstatistik. 41 Bde. Darmstadt, 1862-1911. Statistisches Hand- buch fiir das Grossh. Hessen. 2nd ed. Darmstadt, 1909
Hessler (C), Geschichte von Hessen. Cassel, 1891. — Hessische Landes- und Volks- kunde. 2 vols. Marburg, 1904-06.
Kiichler (P.). Bearbeitet von Braun (A. E.) und Weber (A, K.). Verfassungs-und- Verwaltungsreciit des Gros.sh. Hessen. 5 Bde. Darmstadt, 1894-97.
iru«tt0eJ(n.), Grossherzogtum Hessen, 2nd ed. Giessen, 1893.
Zeller (Dr. W.^Hnndhuch der Verfassung und Verwaltung im Grossh. Hessen. 3 Bde. Darmstadt, 1885-93.
Hessisches Biirgerbuch. Darmstadt, 1909.— Hessisches Verkehrsbuch. Darmstadt.
Reigning Prince, Leopold IV., born May 30, 1871, son of ilie late Count Ernst of Lippe Biesterfeld, and Carola, Countess of "Wartensleben ; married August 16, 1901, to Princess Bertha of Hessen-Philippsthal-Barchfeld ; offspring : Ernst, born June 12, 1902 ; Leopold Bernhard, born May 19, 1904 ; Karoline, born August 4, 1905. Count Leopold assumed the Regency in succession to his father, September 27, 1904, but the right of succession was claimed by Prince Georg of Schaumburg- Lippe, and the dispute Avas settled by a judicial court at Leipzig on October 25, 1905.
The succession fell to the Lippe-Biesterfeld branch of the house of Lippe on the death of Prince Karl Alexander, January 13, 1905. For the expenses of the court, &c., are allotted the revenues arising from the Domaniiim (farms, forests, &c.), v^^hich, according to the covenant of June 24, 1868, are indivisible and inalienable entail estate of the Prince's house, the usufruct and administration of which belong to the reigning Prince. By the law of March 24, 1898, the Regent draws all the revenues from the domanium, and therefrom makes annual payments to the Landkasse.
A charter of rights was granted to Lippe by decree of July 6, 1836, partly replaced by the electoral law of June 3, 1876, according to which the Diet is composed of twenty-one members, who are elected in three divisions deter- mined by the scale of the rates. The discussions are public. To the Chaml)er belongs the right of taking part in legislation and the levying of taxes ; otherwise its functions are consultative, A minister presides over the government.
Except 5,925 Catholics and 780 Jews (1910), the people are Protestants, Marriages, 1911, 1,261 ; births, 4,383 ; deaths, 2,400 ; stillborn, 146 ; illegitimate, 196, The Capital, Detmold, has 14,295 inhabitants (1910). Area 469 square miles ; population 1910, 150,937.
For 1912-1913 the revenue was estimated at 122,492/., and expenditure at 125,613Z. Public debt in 1912, 63,919^.
British Consul-Geiicral.—V^. E, Hearn (Hamburg).
Reference.— Amtsblatt fur das Filristentum Lippe.