Total number of emigrants who embarked at Bremen, 1910, 157,896 ; 1911, 115,044. Of these, 691 in 1910, and 1,577 in 1911 embarked for the United Kingdom.
Railways, 31 miles, owned and worked by the State.
British Gonsul-General. — Walter R. Hearn (Hamburg).
British Consul at Bremen. — Christian Mosle. There is a Vice-Consul at Bremerhaven.
Die Volksziihlting vom 1 Dezember, 1910, im Bremischen Staate, herausgegeben vom Bremischeu Statistischen Amt. — Untersuchung tier Wohnungen dee minder bemittelten Klassen in Bremen. 1905.— Berufs- und Betriebsziililung vom 12 Juni, 1907, im Bremi- schen Staate, 1909. — Monatsberichte und Mitteilungen des Bremisclien Statistischen Amis.
Bippen (W. von), Geschicbte der Stadt Bremen. Bremen, 1892, &c.
Bollmann(J.), Bremisches Staats-und Verwaltungsrecht. Bremen, 1904.
Bohmert (W.), Die Hamburg-Amerika Linie und der Norddeutsche Lloyd, Berlin, 190'J.
Buchenau, Die Freie Stadt Bremen und ihr Gebiet. Bremen, 1900.
Bremen und seine Bauten. Bremen, 1900.
Gehrke (F.), Bremens Warenhandel und seine Stellung in der Weltwirtschaft. Jena, 1910.
Jahrbuch fiir Bremische Statistik. 1. Bd. Haudelsstatistik (seit 1850). 2. Band : Allgeraeine Statistik (seit 1865).
Neubaur (P.), Der Norddeutsche Lloyd. -JU Jalire der Entwickelung 1857-1907. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1907.
Tjaden, Bremen in hygienischer Beziehung. Bremen, 1907,
Schellers Filhrer durch Bremen. Bremen 1910.
(Herzogthum Braunschweig.)
The last Duke of Brunswick was Wilhelm I., born April 25, 1806, the second son of Duke Friedrich Wilhelm and of Princess Marie of Baden ; ascended the throne April 25, 1831, and died October 18, 1884.
The heir to Brunswick is the Duke of Cumberland, excluded owing to the refusal to give up claim to the throne of Hanover. On the death of the late Regent, Prince Albert of Prussia, September 13, 1906, it was proposed that, the Duke of Cumberland having for himself and his eldest son renounced the right to succeed, his second son should be called to the throne. On February 28, 1907, the Brunswick Diet adopted the proposals of the Constitutional Commission which were unfavourable to the proposed compromise. On May 28, 1907, Johann Albrecht, Duke of Mecklenburg, was elected as regent. He accepted the regency on June 5, 1907. Married December 12, 1909, to the Princess Elizabeth of Stolberg-Rossla.
The Brunswick regency law of Febniary 16, 1879, enacts that in case the legitimate heir to the Brunswick throne be absent or prevented from assuming the government, a Council of Regency, consisting of the Ministers of State and the Presidents of the Landtag and of the Supreme Court, should carry on the government ; while the German Emperor should assume command of the military forces in the Duchy. If the rightful heir, after the space of a year, is unable to claim the throne, the Brunswick Landtag shall elect a regent from the non-reigning members of German reigning families.
The legislative power is vested in one Chamber, consisting of forty-eight members. Of these are elected for four years fifteen by the inhabitants of towns, fifteen by those of rural districts, two by the Protestant clergy, four by the landlords, three by the industrial classes, four by the scientific pro- fessions, five by those who are highest taxed for income. The Chamber meets
every two years. The executive is represented by a responsible Ministry of