Marcfcs (E.), Germany ami England: their Relations in the great Crises of European History, 1500-1900. Eng. Trans. London, 1900.
McLaren (A. D.), An Australian in Germany. London, 1911.
Moltke (Graf von), The Franco-German War, 1870-71. [Translation by A. Forbes.] London, 1893.
Nauticus, Jahrbuch fiir Deutschlands Seeinteressen. 14 Jahrgang, 1912. Berlin.
Neumann's Orts- und Verkcbrs-Lexikon des Deutsehen Reichs. 4th ed. Leipzig and Wien, 1905, ff.
Partsch (J.), Central Europe. London, 1903.
Batzel (Friedr.), Deutschland. 3rd edition by R. Buschick. Berlin, 1911.
Richard (E.), History of German Civilization. New York, 1912.
Silbergleit (Dr.), Finanzstatistik von 130 deutsehen Armenverwaltungen, 1908, Leipzig.
Sombart (W.), Die deutsche Volkswirtschaft imneunzehnten Jahrhundert. Berlin, 1903.
Staats-, Hof- iind Kommunal-Handbuchdes Reichs und der Einzelstaaten. Leipzig, 1900.
Sybel(U. von). Die Begriindnng des deutsehen Reichs. 7 vols. Munich, 1890-94. [Eng. Trans, by E. White. "New York, 1898].
ret2ft«r(F.) Die Slawen in Deutschland. Braunschweig, 1902.
Treitschke (H. von), Deutsche Geschichte im 19 ten Jahrhundert. 5 vols. Leipzig, 1879-94.
Weyer (B.\ Taschenbuch der Kriegsflotten. Naval Annual. Leipzig.
Whitman (Sidney), Imperial Germany, London, 1889.— German Memories. London, 1912.
]Vri.ttke (W .) (Editor), Die Deutsehen Stadte. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1904.
.^orn (Ph.), Das Staatsrecht des Deutsehen Reiches. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1S94-1007.
Zioeclc (Alb.), Deutschland nebst Bohmen und dem Mtindungsgebiet des Rheins. Die geographische Gestaltung . . . Leipzig and Berlin, 190S. (Mit vielen Literatur-Nach- wcisen.)
Colonies and Dependencies.
The following is a list of the various Colonies and regions under the pro- tection or influence of Germany, the estimates given being necessarily vague : —
Date of Acquisition
In Africa :— I
Togo . . . •! Kameruni . German South-West
Africa German East Africa .
In Asia: — Kiauchau In the Pacific : — German New Guinea: — KaiserWilhelm's Landj Bismarck Archipelago I Caroline Islands. ., Palau or Pelew Is-!
lands Marianne Islands Solomon Islands. Marshall Islands, etc. Samoan Islands :— Savaii Upolu
Total Pacific Possessions
Total Foreign dencies
1884 1884
1884-90 1885-90
1885-86 1885 1899
1899 1899 1886 1886
1899 1899
Method of Government.
Imperial Governor Imperial Governor
Imperial Governor Imperial Governor
Imperial Governor
Area Sq. Miles
33,700 191,130
322,450 384,180
Estimated Population
1,000,400 L', 303, 200
83,900 10,032,000
931,460 13,419,500
- Imperial Governor \j
] Imperial Governor |
70,000 20,000
660 340
\ 35,500 357,800 13,940,200-"'
1 Not including the 107,270 square miles with a population of 1,000,000 conceded (1911) to France, but including the 0,450 square miles conceded by Germany to France.
2 Exclusive of the Bay with an area of about 200 square miles, and the neutral zone with an area of about 2.500 square miles, and population of 1,200,000.
- ' Of these (1912), 25,430 were whites,