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Hdhnel (L. von), Discovery of Lakes Rudolf and Stephanie. [Translated by N. Bell. 2 vols. 8. liondon, 1894.

Jahresbericht der deutsehen Kolonialgesellschaft, 1896. Berlin, 1897.

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Keltic (J. S.), The Partition of Africa. 2nd ed. London, 1895.

Kiepert (R.), Deutscher Kolonial Atlas. Berlin, 1893.

Kleiner deutscher Kolonialatlas. Herausgegeben von der deutsehen Kolonialgesell- schaft. 2 ed. Berlin, 1898

Koloniales Jahrbuch. Annual. Berlin.

Koschitzky (Max von), Deutsche Kolonialgeschichte. Leipzig, 1887 and 1888.

Zra!<S8 (P.), Spezialkarte von Deutscli-Ostafrika. 1. 2,000,000. Berlin, 1896.

Langhans (P.), Deutschlands Kolonial Atlas. Gotha, 1895-97.

Lewis (R.), The Germans in Damaraland. 8. Cape Town, 18S9.

Meinecke{G.), Koloniales Jahrbuch. Annual.

Mitteilungen aus den Deutsehen Schutzgebieten (nach amtlichen Quellen). Bd. 1-11. Berlin, 1889-98. 8. [Vun Bd. 4 (1891) ab : " Wissenschaftliche Beihefte zum amtlichen deutsehen Kolonialblatt."]

Mor^<;7i (C.), Durch Kamerun. 8. Leipzig, 1893.

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Peters (Dr. Karl), Das deutsch-ostafrikanische Schuzgebiet. 8. Miinchen und Leipzig, 1895.

iJeicTiard (P.), Deutsch-Ostafrika. 8. Leipzig. 1892.

Richthofen {¥ . von), Schantung und s ine E ngangspforte Kiautschou. Berlin, 1898.

Sammlung geographischer und kolonialpolitischer Schriften. Nos. 1-7. Berlin, 1897.

Schinz (H.), Deutsch-Sudwest-Afrika. 8. Oldenburg and Leipzig, 1891.

iSc/iaiidt (Rochus), Deutschlands Kolonien. Vol. L II. 8. Berhn, 1895-96.

Statistisches Jahrbuch fiir das Deutsche Reich. 18 Jahrg. Berlin, 1897.

Wagner, Deutsch-Ostafrika. 2. Auflage. Berlin, 1888.

Weissbuch. Annual. Berlin.

Zintgrapf (Eugen), Nord-Kamerun. 8, Berlin, 1895.



(Reichsland Elsass-Lothringen.) Constitution.

The fundamental laws under which the Reichsland, or Imperial Land, of Alsace-Lorraine is governed were voted by the German Reichstag June 9, 1871, June 20, 1872, June 25, 1873, May 2, 1877, July 4, 1879, September 28, 1885, and December 11, 1889. By the law of June 9, 1871, it is enacted, 'The provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, ceded by France in the peace preliminaries of February 26, 1871, under limits definitely fixed in the Treaty of Peace of May 10, 1871, shall be for ever united with the German Empire.' The Constitution of the German Empire was introduced in Alsace-Lorraine on January 1, 1874.

The administration of Alsace-Lorraine is under a Governor-General, bearing the title of * Statthalter. '

Statthalter of Alsace-Lorraine. — Prince Hohcrdohe-Langenhurg, appointed October 30, 1894.

According to the constitutional law of July 4, 1879, the Emperor appoints the Statthalter, who exercises power as the representative of the Imperial Government, having his residence at Strassburg, A Ministry composed of four departments, with a responsible Secretary of State at its head, acts under the Statthalter, who also is assisted by a Couiunl of State, comprising the Statthalter as President, the Secretary of State at the head of the Ministry, the chief provincial officials, and eight to twelve other members appointed by the Emperor, of whom three are presented by the Landesausschuss, or Provincial Committee. This Committee, which attends to local legislation,

consists of 58 members.

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