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2. Bismarck Archipelago. — In November 1884 a German Protectorate was declared over the New Britain Arcliipelago and several adjacent groups of islands, which were then renamed together the Bismarck Archipelago. The chief islands of this archipelago are Neu Pommern (formerly New Britain), Neu Mecklenburg (New Ireland), Neu Lauenburg (Duke of York Islands), and New Hannover, Admiralty, Anchorite, Commerson, Hermit, and other islands. Cotton is cultivated (yield in 1897, 77,360 lbs.), and coco-nut palms (46,200 trees in 1897). The New Guinea Company has a trading station at Matupi. The chief exports are copra and cocoa-nut fibre. In 1896-97 (year ending March 31), the imports to the Bismarck Archipelago amounted to 700,000 marks. The Bismarck Archipelago and Solomon islands in 1896-97 were visited by 47 steamers and 113 sailing vessels, the total tonnage being 52,679 tons.

3. Solomon Islands. — Geniisiiiy owns the more northerly part of this group, including the islands of Bougainville, Choiseul, Isabel or Mahaga, and various smaller islands. Sandal wood and tortoiseshell are the chief commercial products. The islands are placed under the officials of Kaiser Wilhelm's Land.

4. May-shall Islands. — The Marshall Islands, consisting of two chains or rows of lagoon islands, known respectively as Ratack (with thiileen islands) and Ralick (with eleven islands), have belonged to Germany since 1885. European population in 1898 (January), 74 (43 German). The chief island and seat of the German Imperial Commissioner is Jaluit. There are planta- tions of coco-palm. Copra is the chief article of trade. The total production in the year 1896-97 was 2,366 tons. In 1896-97, 84 vessels of 12,333 tons entered the port of Jaluit.

Books of Repeuenck on German Dependencies.

Allan (G.), The Land of the Duallas ; Life in the Cameroons. 12. Newcastle, 1885.

Aiigra Pequefia. Copy of Despatch from the Earl of Derby to H.M.'s High Commission in S. Africa relative to the Establishment of a German Protectorate at Angra Pequefia and along the Coast. London, 1884.

Arrangement between Great Britain and Germany relative to their respective Spheres in Africa. London, 1885 The same with reference to New Guinea. London, 1885.

•Bauma«K (Oscar), In Deutsch Ostafrika wiihrend des Aufstandes. 8. Vienna, 1890. Usauibara und seine Nachbargebiete. 8. Berlin, 1891.

Brose (M.), Die deutsche Koloniallitteratur von 1894-95. Berlin, 1897.

Billow (F. J. von), Deutsch Sudwest- Africa : Drei Jahre im Lande Hendrik Witbbois. Berlin, 1896.

BUttner (C. G.), Das Hinterland von Walfischbai und Angra Pequefia. Heidelberg, 1884.

Correspondence relating to Zanzibar. London, 1885.

Correspondence respecting Affairs in the Cameroons. London, 1885

Demay (Charles), Histoire de la Colonisation AUemande. Paris, 1890.

Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Organ der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft. Berlin (fort- nightly).

Deuischer Kolonial-Kalender. Berlin. Annual. (Beilage 20, 1898, contains organi- satorisclie Bestinimungen fiir die Kaiserlichen Schutztruppen in Afrika.)

Deut.sches Kolonialblatt. Berlin, 1897.

Doutscliland und seine Kolonien ein Jahre 1800. Berlin, 1897.

Dilthey (R.), Der Wirthschaftliche Werth von Deutsch. Ost-Afrika. Diisseldorf, 1889.

Dorc (K), Deutsch-Siidwesf-Afrika. In Petermann's Mitteilungen, Ergauzungsheft, No. l-.'O. Gotha, 1890.

Foreign Office Reports, Miscellaneous Series, No. 432. London, 1897.

For«ter( B.), Deutsch-Ostafrik. 8. Leipzig, 1890.

Fitrnrr (R.), Deutches Kolonial Handbuch. Berlin, 1896.

Framois (H. von), Nama und Damara. Deutsch-Stid-west-Afrika. 8. Magdeburg, 1895.

Framius (G), Kiautschou, Diutfclilands Erwerbung in Ossasien. 3rd ed. Berlin, 1898.

Fremelxuid Menile, Deutschlands Kolonien. Hannnvtr. 1SS9.

Hessc-Wartcfip (E. von), Schantung und Deutsch-China. Leipzig, IS'.'S.

Hesuler (C), Kurze Landeskui.de <lu Dcutsclicn Kolonien. 3rd cd. Leipzig, lti)8,

Hirth (F.), fcchantung und Kiau-tbtl.uu. Muuchen, 1898.

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