House of Franconia. Koiir.ul I. . . . 011-918
House of Saxony.
lluiniich I., ' Der Vocjcl-
stcUcr' . . " . 919-936
Otto I., 'DciGiosse' . 936-973 Otto II. ... 973-983
Otto III. . . . 983-1002
Heinrich II. . . . 1002-1024
House of Fraiiconia.
KonradlL, ' Der Stilier ' . 1024-1039
Heinrich III. . . . 1039-1056
Heinrich IV. . . . 1056-1106
Heinricli V. . . . 1106-1125
House of Saxony. Lothar II. , ' Der ' 1 125-1137
House of Hohcnstaufen.
Konraa III. . . . 1138-1152 Friedrichl., 'Barbarossa' 1152-1190 Heinrich VI. . . . 1190-1197 Philip]) .... 1198-1208 Otto IV., 'von ^Vitte]^i.
l)ach' .... 1208-1212 Fri(Mlrich II. . . . 1212-1250 Konra.l IV. . . . 1250-1254
First IjUerreynuin.
Wilhclia r)f Holland . 1254-1256 Richard of Cornwall . 1256-1272
House of Habshury. Rudolf I. . . . 1273-1291
House of Nassau.
. 1292-1298
House of Habsburg. Albrechtl. . . . 1298-1308
Houses of Luxembury and Bavaria. Heinrich VII. . . 1308-1313
LndwiglV., 'DcrlJaicr'. 1313-1347 Karl IV. . . . 1348-1378
Second Intcrrcynum. Wcnceslaus of Bohemia . 1378-1400 Ruprccht 'Von der Pfalz' 1400-1410 Siirmund of Branden^)urf^ 1410-1437
House of Albrecht II. . Friedrich III. Maximilian I. KarlV. . Ferdinand I. . Maximilian II. Rudolf II. Matthias Ferdinand II. Ferdinand III. Leopold I. Joseph I. Karl VI.
. 1438-1439 . 1440-1493 . 1493-1519 . 1519-1556 . 1556-1564 . 1564-1576 . 1576-1612 . 1612-1619 . 1619-1637 . 1637-1657 . 1657-1705 . 1705-1711 . 1711-1740
House of JJacaria. Karl VII. . . . 1742-1745
House of Habsbury^ Lorraine.
Franz 1 1745-1765
Joseph II. . . . 1765-1790 Leopold II. . . . 1790-1792 Franz II. ... 1792-1806
Third Interreguuin . Confederation of the Rhine 1806-1815 German 'Bund' . . 1815-1866 North German Confedera- tion .... 1866-1871
House of HoTienzollern. Wilhelm I., ' Der Grosse ' 1871-1888 Friedrich . 1888 (March-June)
Wilhelm II. . . 1888 (June)
Constitution and Government. The Constitution of the Empire bears date April 16, 1871. By its terms, all the States of Germany ' form an eternal union for the protection of the realm and the care of the welfare of the German people.' The supreme direction of the military and political affairs of the Empire is vested in the King of Prussia, who, in this capacity, bears the title of Deutscher Kaiser.
According to Art. 11 of the Constitution, 'the Emperor repre-