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Islands, 500 miles to the iiovtli-wcst, both groups uninhabited and covered: with f(uano ; the Wallis Archipelago, north east of Fiji, placed under the protectorate of France definitively in 1887.


These are otlicially known as the French Establishments in Oceania. They consist of the Society Islands — Tahiti, Moorea, the Tetiaroa Islands, and jMeetia — and Raiatea and Tubuai-Manu, Huahine, Bora-Bora, and other islands to the north-west ; the ^Marquesas, Tuamotu, Gambier, and Tubuai groups, and the island of Rapa.

Tahiti, the principal of these islands, has an area of 412 square miles,, and Moorea, 50 square miles. Pojmlation of Tahiti, 10,287 ; Moorea, 1.596. There is a Governor for all the establishments in Oceania, with a council for consultation. There is also a general council elected by univer.sal suffrage. The chief town and port of Tahiti is Papeete. The expenditure of France (budget for 1899) is 856,080 francs. The local budget for 1898 amounted to 1,229,625 francs. The total exports in 1897 amounted to 3,150,668 francs; imports, 3,800,639 francs. The chief exports were: mother-of-pearl, 1,127,736 francs; copra, 686,041 francs; cotton, 147,946 francs; vanilla, 894,051 francs; oranges, 41,113 francs. The imports are breadstufl's, tinned and salt provisions, wines, parens cloth, timbei-, sugar, calico. The imports are mainly from the United States, Great Britain and colonies, and France and colonies. The trade of France with thei-e settlements in 1897 amounted to 179,600 francs for imports, and 592,500 francs for exports. In Tahiti and Moorea 7,000 acres are under cultJivation, the chief crops being vanilla, sugar, coffee, and copra. In 1897, 286, vessels of 29,585 tons entered the port of Papeete.

Books of Reference concerning New Caledonia and Dependencies.

British Colonial Reports. Annual. London.

Haurigot (G.), Les Etablissements fran(^ais en Oceanie. Paris, 1S91. Hort (D.), Tahiti, the Garden of the Pacilic. London, 1895. Jeannenc]! (A.), La Nouvelle Caledonie agricole. 16. Paris, 1804.

Lfi;ra?irf (M. A.), Au Paysdes Canaques. La Nouvelle Caledonie en 1800. 8. Paris, ISO.".. Marin (A.), Anloin : Souvenirs des lies Marquises. Paris, 1801. Mimande (P.), C'riminopolis. Paris. Monchoisy ( ), La Nouvelle Cythere. Paris, 1888.

Saliris (P. A. de), Marins et Missionaires : Conquete de la Nouvelle Caledonie, 1S4.3-18.'»3. 8. Paris, 1892.

Vuillod (.!.), La Nouvelle Caledonie et .ses produits en 1890. 8. Saint-Cloude, 1801.

Books of Reference concerning the French Colonies generally.

Auiiuaire ile la ^Liriiie et des Colonies. Paris.

Anunaire du Miiiistere des Colonies. Paris.

Les Colonies frangaises. Notices publiees par ordre du Sous-S6cr6taire d'Etat des. Colonies. 5 vols. Paris, 1889-90.

Revue coloniale. (Weekly). Pari.s.

Statistiques coloniales. Annual. Paris.

Tableaux de population, de culture, ttc, sur les Colonies franijai.se.s. Paris, 180r».

Z)e8c/mmp« (L.), Ilistoire de la Question coloniale en France. S. Paris, 1891. Histoirr- sonunnire de la Colonisation frun(;:aisc. 12. Paris, 1894.

Dubois, Geographic de la France et de .ses Colonies. 8. Paris, 1892.

(iajFarel (P.), Les Colonies francaises. 4th edition. Pari.s, 1888.

Gan'iuet (A.), Geographic de la France et de ses Colonies et Protcctorats. 8. Paris, 1892..

(iirault (A.), Principes de Coloni.sation et de Legislation coloniale. 8. Paris, 1896.

Joanne (P.), Dictionnaire gengrapliique et adiniuistratif de la France et de ses Colonies, Palis, ISi'.'). [In progress.]

Lalanne, La France et ses Colonies. Paris.

Malrollf, La France et ses Colonies. Paris.

Petit (E.), Organisation des Colonies francaises et des Pays de Protectorat 8. Paris, 1894. <tc.

Rangier (J. C. P.), Precis de Legislation et d'Economie coloniale. 12. Paris, 1895.

^rti/ (E.), Histoire.monctaire des Colonies francaises. 8. Paris, 1892.

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