Dauma or Dahome since the foundation of tlie kingdom early in the seventeenth century. They are industrious agriculturists, exporting through Whydah the finest palm-oil produced in Upper Guinea. Maize, cattle, ivory, and india-rubber also abound. The exports of palm oil have now reached a total of about 10,000 tons, and of palm kernels about 20,000 tons per annum. Imports into France from French Congo, Sudan, Guinea, Ivory Coast, and the Bight of Benin in 1897 : General, 6,886,912 francs ; special, 6,272,766 francs. Exports from France to these settlements: General, 8,237,605 francs: special, 6,134,221 francs. The expenditure ot France for French Guinea (budget of 1899) was 320,826 francs. The local budgets were : French Guinea (1898), 900,000 francs ; Ivory Coast (1898), 1,485,000 francs ; Dahomey (1898), 1,885,000 francs.
References concerning French West Africa, &c.
Aahht (E.), La Guerre au Dahomey, 1S8S-93. 8. Paris, 1894.
Binger (G.), Du Niger au Golfe de Guiuee. 2 vols. 8. Paris, 1892.
Boutheiller (J.), De iSaint Louis a Sierra Leone. Paris, 1891.
Burton (Sir R. F.), Mission to Gelele, King of Dahonie. 2 vols. London, 1804.
Castellani (C), Vers le Nil Frangais avec la Mission Marchand. Paris, 1898. Cat (Edoiiard), A travers le Desert. 8. Paris, 1892.
Chanclouin, Trois mois de captivite au Dahomey. 10. Paris. Deville (Prof.), Partage d'Afrique. Brussels, 1898.
Domcrgue (A.), Notes de Voyage, Gabon. Paris, 1893.
Dubois (F.), Timbuctoo the My.sterious. 8. London, 1890.
Duncan (J.), Travels in Western Afi'ica. 2 vols. 12. Loudon, 1847.
X))/ ?;o u'sW (J.), La Route du Tchad. 8. Paris, 1893.
Espagna (P. d'), Jours de Guinea. Paris, 1898.
Estampes (L. d'), La France au Pays noir. Paris, 1893.
Foa (M.), A Voyage up the Wheni River, ' Pi-oc. Roy. Geog. Soc' Feb. 1889.
FoUie (L. G.), Voyage dans les Deserts da Sahara. 8. Tours, 1892.
Fotireau (F.), Au Sahara : mes deux missions de 1892 et 1893. Paris, 1897.
Galieni. (Col.), Deux Campagnes au Soudan frangais. 8. Paris, 1891.
Hoiirat (Lieut.), La IMission Hourst sur le Niger et au Pays des Touaregs. Paris, 1898. French Enterprise in Africa. [Eng. Trans, of Lieut. Hourst's Narrative.] London, 1898.
Johnston (Sir Harry), The Colonisation of Africa. Cambridge, 1899.
Keltic (J. Scott), The Partition of Africa. 2nd ed. London, 1895.
Kingsley (Mary H.), Travels in West Africa. London, 1897.
Laumann (E. M.), A la Cute occidentale d'Afrique. 8. Paris, 1894.
Lebon (A.), Rapport de la Mission au Senc^gal et au Soudan. Paris, 1898.
Mattel (Com.), Bas-Niger. Paris, 1890.
Mevil (A.), Au Pays du Soleil et de I'Or. [Senegambia.] Paris, 1890.
Mounier {isl), France noire : Cote d'lvoire et Soudan. Paris, 1894.
Oliver (W. D.), Crags and Craters : Rambles in the Island of Reunion. 8. London, 1890.
Ortroz (F. Van), Conventions Internationales Concernant I'Afrique. Brussels, 1898.
Poirier (.1 .), Campagne du Dahomey, 1892-94. 8. Paris, 1895.
Reclu8(E.), Nouvelle GeographicUniverselle. Vols. XI. XII. XIII. 8. Paris, 1880-88.
Toutce (Commandant), Dahome, Niger, Touareg. Paris, 1897.
Verdier (A.), Trentc-cinq annees de lutte aux colonies. Cote occidentale dAfrique. Paris, 1897.
Fictor (N.), L' Expedition du Dahomey en 1890. 2nd c<l. S. Paris, 1893.
Vigne d'Octon (P.), Terre de Mort : Soudan et Dahomey. 8. Paris, 1S92.
White (A. Silva), The Development of Africa. London, 1890.
(Afrikija.) Bey.
Sidi Ali, son of ]Wy Sidy Ahsin ; born Octol)er 5, 1817 ; su(Tceded hi.s brother, Sidi Mohamed-cs-Sadok, October 28, 1882.
The reigning family of Tunis, occupants of the throne since 1691, descend
from Ben Ali Turki, a native of the Isle of Crete, ^vho made himself master of