394 millions of francs; Italy, 232-4; Belgium, 46-8; Switzerland, 28; Greece, 15.
The monetary system of the Union has been adopted, eitlier wholly or partially, in Spain, Rumania, Bulgaria, Servia, Russia, Finland, and many of the South American States.
Gramme Kilogramme Quintal MUrique Tonneau Litre, Liquid
Hedolitrel^'^^'^ I Dry .
15 "43 gr. tr.
2-205 lbs. ay, 220^ ,, ,, 2,205 lbs.
1-76 pint. 22 gallons.
2-75 bushels.
Metre . KilomUre . Mhtre Cube \ St^re }
Hectare KilomUre Carrk
— 39-37 inches. = -621 mile.
= 35-31 cubic ft.
— 2-47 acres.
= •386sq.mile.
Diplomatic Kepresentatives.
1. Of France in Great Britain.
Ambassador. — M. Paul Cambon.
Minister. — M. L. Geoffray.
Secretary. — M. E. Daeschner.
Attache.— Yicomte A. d'Espeuilles.
Military Attache. — Count Pontavice de Heiissey.
Naval Attache — Commandant Fieron.
Secretary- A rchivist. — J . Kn edit.
There are French Consuls at— London (C.G.), Cardiff, Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester (V.C), :N'ewcastle, Southampton (V.C), and other places.
2. Of Great Britain in France.
Ambassador.— Kxght^oYi. Sir. E. J. Monson, Bart., G.C.B., G C.M.G.
Secretary.— }ion. M. Herbert, C.B.
Military AttachL — Colonel Douglas F. R. Dawson.
Naval Attache. — Captain A. W. Paget, R.N.
Commercial Attache. — H. Austin Lee, C.B,
There are British Consuls at Paris, Ajaccio, Bordeaux, Brest, Calais, Cherbourg, Dunkirk, Havre (C.G.), La Rochelle, Marseilles, Nice, Rouen.
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning France.
1, Official Publications.
Agriculture :— StatisLique agricole annuelle. Bulletiu de statistique du Ministere de rA'Ticulturc. "statistique des Forets soumises an regiuie forestier. Statistique agricole d6cennale. Coinpte des depenses du Minist^VH de 1' Agriculture. Rapport sur I'enseigne- nient agricole. Report by L. S. Sackville ou the Tenure of Land in France. Fol. London,
^rmy -—Handbook of the French Army, prepared in the Intelligence Division of the War Office, by Captain A. K. Wisely. London, 1891. Budget general de la France. [Current issues contain estimates of the numbers of men, horses, &c., in the Army.] Paris.
Bibliographie generale de I'lnstoire de la France. Published by the Directors .of the
National Library. Paris. , x -r. •
Commerce :— Tableau general du commerce de la France. (Annual.) Pans. Commerce de la France. (Monthly.) Moniteur officiel du commerce. Foreign Office Reports. (Annual series.) London. Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign
Countries, &c. London