145 divisional regiments of the line, each of 3 battalions of 4 companies, each regiment of 62 officers and 1,591 men. 18 regional regiments of the line, each of 4 battalions, each regiment of 51
officers and 1,560 men, located in the various fortresses of France. 30 battalions of chasseurs-a-pied, each of 4 or 6 companies, each company having 19 officers and 552 men, 4 regiments of zouaves, each of 4 battalions of 4 companies, with 2 depot companies, one of which is in France, each regiment of 73 officers and 2,551 men.
4 regiments of tirailleurs algeriens, each of 4 battalions of 4 companies,
with 1 depot company, each regiment of 103 officers and 2,632 men.
2 regiments etrangers, of 5 battalions of 4 companies, with 2 depot
5 battalions of African Light Infantry.
13 regiments of cuirassiers, 31 of dragoons, 21 of chasseurs, 14 of hussars,. 6 of Chasseurs d'Africpie, each regiment having 5 squadrons, with 37 officers, 792 men, and 722 horses.
3 regiments of Spahis, one having 8, and two 5 squadrons ; 1 regiment of
Tunisian Spahis. 8 companies of ' cavaliers de remonte,' 299 men each.
40 regiments of field artillery, comprising 428 mounted batteries, 52 horse batteries, 16 mountain batteries, and 4 mounted and 8 mountain batteries in Algeria and Tunis.
16 battalions of foot artillery, each of 6 batteries.
4 batteries of foot artillery for service in Africa.
6 regiments of sapi)ers and miners, of which 5 contain each 3 battalions and
1 company of sapper-conductors, and the other 4 battalions and 1 company of sapper-conductors. 1 regiment of railway sappers.
20 squadrons of train, 12 of 4, 8 of 3 companies, 12 companies being in Algeria.
According to the budget for 1899, the peace strength of the army in France (including vacancies, furloughs, kc.) is compo.sed of 547,515 men (of whom 26,849 are officers); in Algeria, 55,122 men (2,195 officers); in Tunis, 13,455 men (560 officers) ; total, 616,092 men (29,604 officers). The total number of horses is put at 142,333. The various .subdivisions of tlie army and their relative strength are seen from the following table, the number of men including that of the officers, the number of officers being
given separately in brackets : —