< Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu
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Rank At Sea On Shore Duty On Leave or Waiting Orders PASSED ASSISTANT SURGEONS AND PASSED ASSISTANT PAYMASTERS — First five years after date of appointment . ^2,000 ♦ 1,800 $1,500 After tivevears from date of appointment 2,200 2,000 1,700 PASSED ASSISTANT ENGINKKUS — First five years afterdate of appointment . 2,000 1,800 1,500 Second five years after date of appointment 2,200 2,000 1,700 Third five years after date of a[)pointment 2,450 2,250 1,900 Fourth five voars after date of appointment 2,700 2,350 1,950 ASSISTANT SUHGKONS, ASSISTANT PAY- MASTERS, AND ASSISTANT ENGINEERS — First five years after date of appointment . 1,700 1,400 1,000 After five years from date of appointment 1,900 1,000 1,200 NAVAL CONSTRUCTORS— First five years after date of appointment . 3,200 2,200 Second five years after date of ap{)Ointment 3,400 2,400 Third five years after date of appointment 3,700 2,700 Fourth five years after date of appointment 4,000 3,000 After twenty years from date of appointment . 4,200 3,200 ASSISTANT NAVAL CONSTRUCTORS — First four years after date of appointment 2,000 1,500 Second four years after date of appointment 2,200 1,700 After eight years from date of appointment 2,000 1,900 CHAPLAINS — First five years after date of commission . 2,500 2,000 1,600 After five vears from date of commission . 2,800 2,300 1,900 PROFESSORS OF MATHEMATICS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS — First five years after date of appointment . 2,400 2,400 1,500 Second five years after date of appointment 2,700 2,700 1,800 Third five years after date of appointment 3,000 3,000 2,100 After fifteen years from date of appointment . 3,500 3,500 2,600 BOATSWAINS, GUNNERS, CARPENTERS, SAILMAKERS, AND PHARMACISTS — First three years after date of appointment 1,200 900 700 Second three years after date of appointment . 1,300 1,000 800 Third three years after date of appointment 1,400 1,300 900 Fourth three years after date of appointment . 1,600 1,300 1,000 After twelve \"ears from date of appointment . 1,800 1,600 1,200 Rank Pay per annum SECRETARY — To Naval Academy , . $1,800 CLERKS — First clerk to Commandants of navj'-yards . , 1,500 Second clerk to Commandants of navy-yards . • • • 1,200 To Commandant at navy-yard. Mare Island . • 1,800 To Commandants of naval stations . 1,500 CLERKS TO PAYMASTERS — At navy-yard. Mare Island .... • � 1,800 At navy-yards, Boston, New York, League Islan d, and Wasl lington . 1,600 At navy-yards, Portsmouth, Norfolk, and Pensac !ola , 1,400 At other stations 1,300 At receiving-ships, Boston, New York, and Leag 'ue Island . 1,600 At receiving-ship, Mare Island .... . 1,800 At other recoiving-shi[)s, on vessels of the firs t rate, at t lie Naval Academy, and at the Naval Home • 1,300 On vessels of the second rate and to fleet payma 3ters . . 1.100 On vessels of the third rate and supi>ly vessels an d storeships 1,000 To Inspectors in charge of provisions and clothin ton. New York, League Island, and Washingto g at navy-ya rds, Bos- n 1,600 At other inspections


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