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The metric system is now in use ; the following are the old weights and measures : —

The Libra . . . = 1014 lb. avoirdupois.

,, Quintal .... r= 101-40 lbs. ,,

,, Arroha . . . . =25*35 ,,

, , Fanega . . =lh imperial bushel.

The old weights and measures of Spain are in general use, but the intro- duction of the French metric system is legally established.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Costa Rica in Great Britain. Envoy and Minister. — M. Peralta (residing in Paris). Consiil- General. — John A. Le Lacheur.

There are Consular Representatives at Birmingham, Cardiff, Falmouth, Gibraltar, Glasgow, Hull, Kingston (Jamaica), Liverpool, Manchester, Not- tingham, Southampton, Swansea.

2. Of Great Britain in Costa Rica.

Minister and Consul- General. — G. F. B. Jenner, resident at Guatemala.

Consul. — Percy G. Harrison.

There are Vice-Consuls at Port Limon and Puntarenas.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Costa Rica.

1. Official Publications.

Anuario estadistico de la Republica de Costa Rica. San Jose.

Calvo (J. B.), Republica de Costa Rica. Apuntamientos geograficos, estadisticos e histo- ricos. San Jose. 1887. Ceuso General de la Republica de Costa Rica. 18 Febiero, 1892. San Jose, 1893.

Costa Rica— Bulletin No. 31 of the Bureau of the American Republics. S. Washington, 1892.

Estadistica del comercio exterior de la Republica de Costa Rica. San Jose.

Meuioria de la secretaria de gobernaci6n, policia y fomento. San Jose.

Memoria de la secretaria de guerra y marina. San Jose.

Memoria de la secretaria de hacienda y comercio. 5. San Jose.

Villavicencio (Enrique), Director of Statistical Bureau. Republica de Costa Rica. Ano de 1886. San Jose, 1886.

Foreign Office Reports, Annual Series. London.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Imp. 4. London.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Barrante$, (F. Montero), Elementos de Historia de Costa Rica. 8. San Jose. 1892.

Jiates (H. W.), Central and South America. New edition. London, 1882.

Belly (Felix), A travers I'Amerique centrale. 2 vols. 8. Paris, 1872.

Biolley (Paul), Costa Rica and her Future. Washington, 1889.

Boyle (Frederick), Ride across a Continent: a Personal Narrative of Wanderings through Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 2 vols. 8. London, 1868.

Caceres (J. M.), Geografi'a de Centro-America. Paris, 1882.

Cairo (J. B.), The Republic of Costa Rica. Chicago, 1890.

Camphui$(G. W.), Costa Rica: The Country for Emigrants. London.

C/iurc/i (Col. G. E.), Costa Rica. In Geographical Journal, vol. x.. No. 1 (July, 1897). London.

Fernandez (L.) Historia de Costa Rica, 1502—1821. 8. Madrid. 18^9.

Frobel (Julius), Aus Amerika. 2 vols. 8. Leipzig, 1857-58.

Marr (N.), Reise nach Centralamerika. 2 vols. 8. Hamburg, 1863.

Morelot (L.), Voyage dans I'Amerique centrale. 2 vols. 8. Paris, 1859.

Peralta (Manuel M.), Costa Rica: its Climate, Constitution, and Resources. With a survey of its present financial position. 8. London, 1873.

Bcherzer (Karl, Ritter von), Statistisch-commerzielle Ergebnisse einer Reise urn die Erde. 8. Leipzig, 1867.

bcherzer (Karl, Ritter von), W^anderuugen durch die mittelamerikanischen Freistaaten 8. Braunschweig, 1857.

Sehroeder (J.), Costa Rica Stat« Immigi'ation. San Jos^, 1894.

Wagner (Moritz), Die Republik Costa Rica in Centralamerika. 8. Leipzig, 1866.

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