< Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu
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.hibticc is aJiiiiuititered liy the Supiouic Cuuii of Justice, two Appeal Courts, and the Court uf Cassation. There are also subordinate courts in the separate provinces, and local justices throui^liout the Republic. Capital punishment cannot be inflicted.


The revenue and expenditure for five years have been : —



]S9r.-90 1890-97



Revenue . 4,800,000 Expenditure 4,741,840


6,123,872 6,121,493

Pesos i Pesos 6,528,975 1 7,435,611 6,187,927 6,697,327

Pesos 8,424,104 8,313,454

The revenue is chiefly derived from customs, 2,766,248 pesos, and excise, 2,242,174 pesos, in 1896-97 ; while the expenditure is chiefly for the various departments of Government, 3,501.354 pesos, and <lcbt. 1.072,690 ])esos in 1896-97.

The foreign debt of the Republic outstanding in 1887 was 2,691,300?., and the arrears of interest amounted to 2,119,512Z, In 1888 an aiTangement was made with the creditors, but in 1895 the Government again w^ent into default, and in March, 1897 a new arrangement was agreed to. The interest on 525,O00Z. of the cajiital is reduced to 3 per cent., and that on 1,475,000Z. to 2^ per cent. Amortization at the rate of 10,000Z. annually Avill begin in 1917. The un])aid interest coupons, January, 1895, to April. 1897, will be cancelled on the payment by Costa Rica at once of 3i,562Z.. and of 100,000Z. by annual instalments of 5,000Z. The total foreign debt in 1898 stood at 2,095,000. The internal debt on March 31, 1897, amounted to l,116,784pesos. It is being rapidly redeemed.


Costa Rica has an army of 600 men and 12,000 militia, but on a war footing can command 34,000 militia, as every male between 18 and 50 may be required to serve. The Repulilic has also one torpedo boat, and a gunboat.

Industry and Commerce.

Almost anything can be grown in Costa Rica, but the principal agricultural products are coffee and bananas. Maize, rice, and potatoes are commonly cultivated, and cocoa culture is extending. Several districts are richly auriferous, and gold and silver mines were recently worked, but at present the indn.stry is almost entirely discontinued. In 1892 the live stock con- sisted of 345,665 cattle, 77,043 horses, and 2,765 sheep, valued at, in all, 5,827,606 i)esos. In 1897 the estimated value was 12,695,065 j)esos.

The following is the value in pesos (gold 1892-93, paper 1894-95, gold 1896) of the imports and exports for live years.




10,165,201 12,183,609

• 1895


' Imports . . Exiwrts . -

5,389,749 9,113,948

5,833,427 9,619,064

13,250,000 12,218,550

4,748,818 5,979,727

The value of the trade for three years is stated as follows in sterling : Im- ports, 1894, 853,000/.; 1895, 802,000/.; 1896, 989,000Z.; exports, 1894, 1,053,000/.; 1895, 1,234,000/. ; 1896, 1,084,000/. For the first six m<.nths of 1897 thp imports amounteil ro 469,000/. and the exports to 1,081,000/.

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