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1895 1896 1897

Peios 22,891,515 14,861,615 59,900

Poos 6,115,137 1,857,197 36,785

Peios 29,006,652 16,718,812 96,685




In July 1898, owing to financial tronbles, the President was authorised to issue paper money to the amount of 50, 000, 000 pesos, to lend to the hanks 20,000,000 pesos at 4 per cent., and in order to withdraw the paper issue at the end of four years, to raise a loan of 4,000,000^.

Money, Weights, and Measures.

According to the Act of 1895, the coinage of Chile is as follows : — Gold coins are 20, 10, 5 peso pieces, called respectively the Colon or Condor, Dohlon, and Escudo. The 10-peso gold piece weighs 5 '99103 grammes '916 fine and therefore contains 5*49178 grammes of fine gold. Silver coins are the peso, weighing 20 grammes, '835 fine, and the fifth, tenth, and twentieth of a peso. Bronze coins (95 of copper to 5 of nickel) are the centavo and 2- centavo pieces. The monetary unit is the twentieth part of a colon or the (uncoined) gold peso.

The metric system has been legally established in Chile since 1865, but the old Spanish weights and measures arc still in use to some extent.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Chile in Great Britain.

Envoy and Minister. — Senor Domingo Gana,

Consul- General. — Senor Ricardo Salas Edwards.

Attache. — Enrique Balmaceda de Toro.

There are Consular representatives at Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff, Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Hull, Leith, Liverpool (C.G.), Newca.stle, Southampton and many other places.

2. Of Great Britain in Chile.

Minister and Consul-General.—Awdley C. Gosling, appointed October 1, 1897.

There are Consular representatives at Coquimbo (V.C), Valjiaraiso (C.G. ) Antofagasta (V.C), Arica (V.C), Caldera, Coronel, Iquique (C), Lota, Pisagua (V.C), Punta Arenas (V.C), Talcahuano (V.C), Tocopilla, Tome, Traiguen.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Chile. 1. Official Publications,

Annuario Estadistico, for the years 183r)-86. Fol. Valparaiso, 1893. Memorias presentamlas al Congreso nacioiial por los Ministros de Estado en los departa inentos de Relaciones Exteriores, Hacienda, &c Santiago, 1896.

Estadfstioa ooinevcial de la Repiiblica de Chile. 8. Valparaiso, ISOfi.

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