The vine is grown in Herzegovina, but the wine produced is insufficient
for the local supply. Dried plums are an important article of export: sugar- beet is cultivated, and there is a government sugar factory at Usora, near Dohoj. Silk-culture has been introduced. Cattle-grazing is important. Forest land occupies 45 per cent, of the whole area. In Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1895 there were 233,322 horses, 1,416,394 cattle, 1,447,049 goats, 3,230,720 sheep, and 662,242 swine.
Minerals are abundant ; mining is now carried on (mainly by the Government) for iron and copper, manganese, chromium, quicksilver, and coal. In 1896 the output of coal was 219,206 tons, of iron ore 22,846 tons, of copper orp 3,946 tons, of manganese 6,713 tons. The miners employed numbered 3,300. There are salt-pits at Dolnia Tuzla and an ammoniac soda factory with an annual output of 11,810 tons. In 1892 there were 24 mines, 6 foundries, and 2 salt works.
Bosnia and Herzegovina belong to the Aiistro-Hungarian customs territory, and their trade statistics are inculuded in those of Austria-Hungary.
There are 481 miles of railway, which, in 1897, carried 1,214,938 passen- gers and 555,958 tons of goods, the total receipts being 2,465,294 florins. There are 1,767 miles of telegraph lines.
In 1896 there were transmitted 7,742,154 letters and postcards, and 2,773,617 packets of printed matter, samples, and newspapers.
Military service is compulsory over 20 years of age. The native troops comprise 12 infantry battalions (each of 4 companies), with a total of 5,185 men, on peace footing. The Austro-Hungarian troops of occupation have at present a strength of 18", 881 men.
Statistical and other Books of Reference.
1. Austria-Hungary. — Official Publications.
Army. Militai-Statistiehes Jahrbuch. Vienna.— Handbook of the Military Forces of Austria-Hungary, Prepared in the Intelligence division of the War Office. London, 1891.
Commerce &c. Statistik des auswiirtigen Handels des osterr.-ungar. Zollgehiets. Annual. Vienna. — Statistische Uebersichten betreffend dem auswartigen Handel des (isterr.-ungar. ZoUgebiets. Monthly. Vienna.— Annual Statement of the Trade of the Qnited Kingdom with Foreign Countries, &c., London.— Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series and Miscellaneous Series. London.
Foreign Office List. By Sir Edward Hertslet. Annual. London.
Money, Credit, &c. Tabellcn zur Wiihrungs-Statistik. Vienna, 180(5.
Pauperism, Health, &c. Statistik der SanitJitsverhaltnisse der Mannscliaft des K. unci . Heeres. Annual. Vienna.
Navy. Almanachfiirdiek. k. Krings-Marine. Annual. Vienna.
Statistics (general). Statistisches Handbuch der osterr.-ung. Monarchie. Vienna, 1891. — Hof-und Staatshandbuch der osterr.-ungar. Monarchie. Annual. Vienna.
2. Non-Official PuBLic.vnoxs. — Austria-Hungary.
Auerbach{B.). Les Races et les Nationalites en Autriche-Hongrie. Paris, 189S.
Baedeker's Handbook for Southern Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Transylvania. Leipzig, 1894. — The Eastern Alps. Leipsic, 1S95.
Brachelli(H. F.), Statistische Skizze der Oesterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarcliie. 13, Auflage. 8. Leipzig, 1802.
Chavanne (Dr.), Physikalisch-statistischer Handatlas der Oesterr.-Ungar. Monarchie, Wien, 1882-88.
Chronik, Volkswirthschaftliche, von Oesterreich-Ungarn, 1887. Hgg. von Blau. Wien. 1888.
Cfarfce (Ernest), Agiicultural Administration in Austria-Hungary, 'Journal of the R, Agricultural Society,' January, 1891.
Czoernig (Freihcrr von), Ethnographie der Oestcrreichischen Monarchie, 3 vols Wien,
l8'>5 57,