NAVY^ Within recent years the United States Navy has been greatly increased, and is now a powerful force. The control of naval affairs is vested in the Secretary of the Navy, a Cabinet officer, appointed by the President with the approval of the Senate. The Assistant-Secretary, a civilian, also appointed by the President with the approval of the Senate, the chiefs of eight administrative bureaus, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, and the Judge-Advocate-General are directly responsible to the Secretary. The administrative bureaus are : yards and docks, equipment, navigation, ordnance, construction and repair, steam engineering, supplies and accounts, and medicine and surgery. The Government constructive and repairing establishments are at Portsmouth, N. H. ; Boston, Mass. ; Brooklyn, N. Y. ; League Island, Pa. ; Washington, I). C. ; Norfolk, Va. ; Pensa- cola, Fla. ; and Mare Island, Cal. ; and the naval stations are at New London, Conn. ; Port Koyal, S. C. ; Key West, Fla. ; and Puget Sound, Wash. All warships, under the requirements of law, are built within the country and of home material. The personnel of the navy, Dec. 31, 1898, was as follows :
Rear-admirals 7 Commodores . 10 Captains 45 Commanders . 85 Lieutenant-commanders 74 Lieutenants (senior) 250 Lieutenants (junior) 76 Ensigns .... 157 Chief engineers 70 Pay assistant engineers . 66 Assistant engineers 44 Naval cadets 2 64 Medical directors . 15 Medical inspectors . 15 Surgeons 50 Past assistant surgeons . 52 Assistant surgeons 37 Pay directors . 13 Pay inspectors 13 Paymasters . 40 Past assistant paymasters 20 Chaplains 24 Professors of mathematics 11
Naval constructors 21 Assistant naval con- structors 16 Civil engineers . 18 Boatswains 50 Carpenters 56 Pharmacists 25 Mates 34 261 Marine Corps : Colonel commandant 1 General staff . 5 Colonels . 2 Lieutenant-colonels 2 Majors 4 Captains . 20 First lieutenants 30 Second lieutenants _8 72 Total official perso nnel 1,536 Enlisted men (thre€ years) . ' 11,037 Enlisted men (one year) . 4,472 Apprentices 2,276 18,685
1 Information furnished for the " Statesman's Year Book " throuph the courtesy of Capt. A. S. Crownlnshiekl, Prof. E. K. Kawson, and Mr. Frank Hamilton of the Navy Department. 2 Who have passed the requisite course and are performing two years' service at sea
pursuing special studies prior to final graduation.