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his pay during the period of his military service as he would have to be in civil life to provide for old age, he may in the extreme case of having remained a private soldier throughout the period of his service (a most unusual case) have saved between 5^5000 and |57000, and would in his declining years have the income therefrom in addition to his retired pay. The territory of the United States is divided for military purposes into the following military departments, known respectively as: The Department of the East, headquarters, Governor's Island, New York Harbor. The Department of the Lakes, headquarters, Chicago, 111. The Department of the Gulf, lieadquarters, Atlanta, Ga. The Department of Dakota, headquarters, St. Paul, Minn. The Department of the Missouri, headquarters, Omaha, Neb. The Department of the Colorado, headquarters, Denver, Col. The Department of the Columbia, headquarters, Vancouver's Bar- racks, Washington State. The Department of California, headquarters, San Francisco, Cal. The Hawaiian Islands constitute a portion of the Department of Cali- fornia. 'The Island of Porto Rico constitutes the Department of Porto Rico, with headquarters at San Juan. During the time of military occupation by the United States the Island of Cuba constitutes a grand military division, with headquarters at Havana. The Island is divided into seven geographical Departments, as follows : Department Havana, including the City of Havana. Department Havana Province, including the Island of Pines, with headquarters at . Department Santiago, with headquarters at Santiago. Department Puerto Principe, with headquarters at Puerto Principe. Department of Santa Clara, with headquarters at Cienfuegos. Department Matanzas, with headquarters at Matanzas. Department of Pinar del Rio, with headquarters at Pinar del Rio. The Philippine Islands constitute the Department of the Pacific, with headquarters at Manila, Luzon Island. In addition to the regular army nearly every State and Territory has an organized militia force, popularly known as the National Guard, organized and governed in each State by special statute laws, presenting little uniformity of organiza- tion or methods of administration. The total organized militia of the United States Dec. 31, 1897, was as follows : 9196 officers, 105,166 men. The number of citizens in the United States between the ages of 18 and 45 years who might be enrolled for military
duty is approximately 10,000,000.