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with a thive years' course for ecouoiuiL' or industrial education ; (3) the so-called Buryh-schooh (Polgari iskolak) for l>oys and girla separately, with a four years' course. There are also high schools for girls, mostly supported by the State. In the elonicntary schools the sul)jects taught are religion, reading, writing, llungaiian and the mother tongne, arithmetic, some branches of natural history and ])hysics, geography, liistory, drawing, singing, gymnastics, elements of hygiene and horticulture ; to girls, domestic duties.

Every parish or commune is l)Ound to have a school if tlic nmnher of children of school age is thirty. The nnnd)er of State and State-aided ele- mentary schools is rapidly increasing. For the support of the elementary schools every commune can levy an additional tax of 5 per cent, on the direct State taxes. There were in 1897, 18,321 elementary schools with 29,677 teachers, and 2,437,330 pupils. The numlter of the children of school age was 3,270,755, and the number of training colleges 81. There were besides 2,327 institutions for the care of young children, 128 'humanistic' schools, and 43 prison schools with a total attendance of 201,557.

The gymnasia and reals(rhools (in Croatia and Slavonia, the realgymnasia) supply preparation for the universities and for the technical high school. The curriculum of these extends over eight years. They are maintained by the State, b}' the laiger communes, or (in the case of the confessional schools) by ecclesias- tical foundations, eventually with a subvention from the State. Thei-e were in 1896-97, 168 gymnasia, with 2,955 teachers and 47,047 pupils : 42 realschools, with 878 teachers and 11,676 jaijiils. The number of iniddle schools sup- ported l)y private persons is insignificant. The middle school teachers obtain their diploma in training schools connected with the universities.

In Hungary there are three universities maintained by the State, eacli comprising four faculties, viz. , theology, law, medicine, philosophy ; the uni- versity of Budapest, with 240 professors, &c., and 4,741 pupils ; the university of Kolozsvar (Klausenburg), with 90 professors and 795 pupils ; the university of Zagrab (Agram), with 53 ])rofessors and 484 pupils.

There are also 55 theological colleges, viz., 40 Catholic, 4 Greek Oriental, 10 Protestant, and 1 Jewish, with a total of 1,558 students ; and 10 law schools with 1,263 students.

The technical high school (polytechnicum) in Budapest with 101 professors and 1,299 students, comprises four faculties, viz., universal technics and chemistry, architectonics, machine-building, and engineering.

There are besides 812 special technical institutes, 55 training in agiicul- ture, 227 in industries of all kinds, 39 in art and music, 6 in mining, 146 in commerce, &c., with 130,073 students.

There were in 1896-97, 403 schools for apprentices, with 2,470 teachers and 79,661 impils.

Of 3,270,755 children of school age, 2,437,330 attended school ; the num- ber at elementary schools was 1,880,310 ; at repetition schools, 511,989 ; at higher city schools, 45,031. Of the school children (in proper Hungaiy) l,i267, 410 were Magyar (Hungarian). Of the 18,321 schools, 9,968 were Magyar ; 3,339 Magyar with another language ; 441 German ; 605 Slavonian : 2,284 Rumanian ; 1,460 Croatian ; other languages, 224. The number oif teachers was 29,677.

In 1897, 1,203 periodicals of various kinds were published in Hungary, 215 being political papers. Of the whole, 903 were in Hungarian (75 '0 per cent.), 146 in German (12 per cent.), the rest being in Slovenian, Croatian,

Ruthenian, &c.

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