The actual commissioned and enlisted strength of the army varies but little from that authorized, and was at the beginning of the war with Spain 2143 officers and 26,040 enlisted men, and is at the present writing (Dec. 31, 1898) from latest reports 2330 officers and 55,682 enlisted men. The aggregate commissioned force comprises 19 General Officers, 78 colonels, 98 lieutenant-colonels, 247 majors, 716 captains, 657 first lieutenants, and 515 second lieutenants. The 9th and 10th regiments of cavalry and the 24th and 25th regiments of infantry are composed of negro men with white officers. The pay of officers of the army is as follows :
Pay of Officers in Active Service PAY OF GRADE MONTHLY PAY Grade After After After After Yearly Mon'ly 5 years' 10 years' 15 years' 20years' Service Service Service Service 10% 20% 30% 40% Lieutenant-general . $11,000.00 $910.07 Major-general .... 7,500.00 G25.00 Brigadier-general 5,-500.00 458.33 Colonel 3,500.00 291.67 $.320.83 $350.00 $375.00 $375.00 Lieutenant-colonel . 3,000.00 250.00 275.00 300.00 325.00 333.33 Major 2,500.00 20S..33 229.17 250.00 270.83 291.67 Captain, mounted . 2,000.00 166.67 183.33 200.00 216.67 233.33 Captain, not mounted 1,800.00 150.00 165.00 180,00 195.00 210.00 Kegimental adjutant 1,800.00 150.00 10.5.00 180.00 195.00 210.00 Regimental quartermaster 1,800.00 150.00 165.00 180.00 195.00 210.00 First lieutenant, mounted 1,600.00 133.33 146.67 160.00 173.33 ISC). 07 First lieutenant, not mounted 1,500.00 125.00 137.50 150.00 162.50 175.00 Second lieutenant, mounted . 1,500.00 12,5.00 137.50 1.50.00 162.50 175.00 Second lieutenant, not mounted 1,400.00 116.67 128.33 140.00 151.67 163.33 Chaplain 1,500.00 125.00 137.50 150.00 162.50 175.00 Pay F Retiri
- d Officers
PAY OF ( JRADE MONTHLY PAY Grade After After After After Yearly MonMy 5 years' 10 years' 15 years' 20years" Service Service Service Service Lieutenant-general . .$8,250.00 $687.50 Major-general .... 5.625.00 468.75
Brigadier-general 4,125.00 843.75 Colonel 2,025.00 218.75 $240.62 $262..50 $281.25 .$281.25 IJeutenant-colonel . 2,2.50.00 187.. 50 206.25 225.00 24;:^. 75 2.50.00 Major 1,ST5.00 156.25 171.87 187.50 203.12 218.75 Captain, mounted 1,500.00 125.00 137.50 1.50.00 162..50 175.00 Captain, not mounted • . 1,350.00 112.50 123.75 135.00 146.25 157.50 Kegimental adjutant Regimental quartermaster First lieutenant, mounted 1,200.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 130.00 140.00 First lieutenant, not mounted 1,125.00 93.75 103.12 112.,50 121.87 131.25 Second lieutenant, mounted . 1,125.00 93.75 103.12 112.50 121.87 131.25 Second lieutenant, not mounted 1,050.00 87..50 96.25 105.00 113.75 122.50 Chaplain 1,350.00 112.50 123.75 135.00 146.25