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Defence. I. Frontier.

Austria-Hungary lies in the heart of Europe. The total length of frontier is 5,396 miles. In the S. the frontier line towards the Adriatic Sea is 1,050 miles. The land frontier is formed in the W. by Bavaria, the canton of St. Gallen, Lichtenstein, the Canton Graubiinden, and Italy ; in the S. by Italy, Montenegro, Herzegovina, and Bosnia, Servia, and Roumania ; in the E. by Roumania ; in the N.E. and N. by Russia ; in the N. by Prussia, and in the N.W. by Saxony. Natural frontiers are the Fichtel Mountains, the Bohmerwald, the Inn, and the Salzach towards Bavaria ; the Saale, the Alps, and the Rhine towards St. Gall ; the High Alps towards Graubiinden and Italy ; the Lago di Garda and Carnic Alps also towards Italy ; towards Herzegovina and Bosnia, the Dinoric Alps, the Unna and Save ; towards Servia, Save and Danube ; towards Roumania, the South-East, and East Carpathians ; towards Russia, the Dniester and Vistula ; towards Prussia, the Riesen and Iser Gebirge ; towards Saxony, the Erz-Gebirge.

The following are the chief territorial defences : — In Bohemia : Josephstadt and Theresienstadt, fortified towns ; in Galicia : Cracow, fortified and entrenched camp at Przemysl. Hungary : on the left of the Tisza (Theiss), Gyulafehervar, Arad, and Temesvar ; on the Danube, Komarom, Petervarad, and Orsova. Croatia : on the Drave, Eszek ; Brod, Gradiska, K^rolyvdros on the right of the Save. In Dalmatia are the coast fortifications of Zara, Ragusa, Cattaro, Sebenico, Budua, and Lissa island ; in Istria, Pola, fortified naval harbour. The Alpine frontiers in Tyrol have numerous defences on all the routes, and also between Tyrol and the Adriatic. In Bosnia and Herzegovina are numerous old fortifications. The Austrian capital, Vienna, and Budapest are undefended. Pola, the chief naval port, is strongly fortified, both towards sea and land, and has been recently enlarged, so as to be able to accommodate the entire fleet. The arsenal of the imperial navy is also in Pola ; Trieste is the great storehouse, and there is also an arsenal of the imperial navy.

II. Army.

The system of defence is, in Austria and Hungary alike, founded on the principle of universal military service (Austr. Statute 11 Ap. 1889, and Hung. art. vi. 1889). The armed force

is organised into the common Army, Navy, the special armies

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