ried January 24, 1893, to Albert, Diike of Wiirthemberg. V. Maria, born July 31, 1876; installed abbess at Prague, October 19, 1895. VI. Elisabeth, born July 7, 1878.
The imperial and royal family descend from Rudolf von Ha})sburg, a German count, liorn 1218, who -was elected King of Germany in 1273. The male line died out in 1740 with Emperor Karl VI., whose only daughter, Maria Theresa, gave her hand (1736) to Duke Franz of Lorraine and Tus(tany, afterwards Kaiser Franz I. of Germany, of the House of Lorraine, who thereby became the founder of the new line of Halislnng-Lorraine. Maria Theresa was succeeded, in 1780, by her son Joseph II., who, dying in 1790, left the crown to his brother Leopold II., at whose death, in 1792, his son Franz I. ascended the throne, who reigned till 1835, and, having been marrieil four times, left a large family, the members of which and their descendants form the present Imperial House. Franz was the first sovereign who assumed the title of Emperor, or ' Kaiser,' of Austria, after having l>een compelled by Napoleon to renounce the imperial crown of Germany, for more than five centuries in the Habsburg family. The assumption of the title of Emperor of Austria took place on August 1, 1804, Franz I. was succeeded by his son, the Emperor Ferdinand I. (V. as King of Hungary), on whose abdication, Dec. 2, 1848, the crown fell to his nei)hew, the present Emperor- King Franz Josef I.
The present Emperor- King has a civil list of 9,300,000 florins : one moiety of this sum, 4,650,000 florins, is paid to him as Emperor of Austria, out of the revenues of Austria, and tlie other moiety as King of Hungary, out of the revenues of Hungary.
The following is a list (for the first centuries not complete) of the sove- reigns of Austria (Dukes and Archdukes of Austria, from 1526 also Kings of Hungary and Bohemia, from 1804 Emperors of Austria), from the date of the feotlinent of Dukes Albert I. and his brother Rudolf II. with the Duchy of Austria by his father. Emperor of Germany, Rudolf of Habsburg, founder of the dynasty : —
Rouse of Ilahshurg.
Albert I
•Rudolf II
♦Rudolf III
Friedrich (III. of Germany) .
- Leopold I. .
♦Albert II
♦Rudolf IV
♦Albert III
♦Albert IV
Albert V. (Albert II. of Ger- many, King of Hungary and
of Bohemia) ♦Ladislaus (King of Hungary
and of Bohemia) Friedrich V. (Friedrich IV.
of Germany) Maximilian I. . . . Karl I. (Karl V. of Germany) Ferdinand I. . . .
All except those marked with an asterisk likewise filled the throne of the Holy Roman Em])iie
Maximilian II. . . . 1564
Rudolf V. (Rudolf II. of Ger-
many) .... 1576
]\latthias . . . .1611
Ferdinand II. . . . 1619
Ferdinand III. . . . 1637
Leopold I. . . . 1657
Joseph 1 1705
Kari II. (VI. of Germany) . 1711
♦Maria Theresa . . . 1740
House of Hahshiu'fj- Lorraine.
Jo.seph II 1780
Leopold II 1790
Franz I. (Franz II. of Ger-
many) .... 1792
♦Ferdinand I. . .1835
♦Franz Josef I. . . . 1848