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Money, Weights, and Measures.

The silver Peso fucrle^ or dollar of 100 centavos is of the value of 4s. at par.

The 5-aoIlar gold piece weighs 8 "0645 grammes "900 fine and therefore contains 7 '25805 grammes of fine gold.

The silver dollar (like the French 5-franc piece) weighs 25 grammes '900 fine and thus contains 22 "5 grammes of fine silver. There are 50, 20, and 10-centavo silver coins, and both nickel and copper fractional money.

Professedly the standard of value is gold. The money in circulation is chiefly inconvertible paper currency.

The Quintal = 101 '40 lbs. avoirdupois.

,, Arroha = 25-35 ,, ,,

,, Fanega = 1^ imperial bushel.

Since January 1, 1887, the use of the French metric system is compulsory.

Diplomatic Representatives.

1. Of the Argentine Republic in Great Britain.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. — Florencio L. Dominguez.

Secretary. —

There are Consular representatives at Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham Cardiff, Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Falmouth, Glasgow (C.G.), Hull, Leeds, Leith, London (C.G.), Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Newport, Southampton.

2. Of Great Britain in the Argentine Republic.

Envoy and Minister. — Hon. W. A. C. Barrington. Appointed February, 1896.

Secretary. — F. S. Clarke.

Consul. — Alfred Grenfell.

There are Vice-Consuls at Buenos Ayres, Bahia Blanca, Concordia, Cor- doba, La Plata, Parana, Rosario, and Santa Fe.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning the Argentine Republic.

1. Official Publications.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Imp. 4. London.

Anuario de la Direccion General de Estadistica. 2 vols. Buenos Aires.

Boletin niensual de estadistica municipal de la ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Censo de la provincia de Santa Fe. 1887.

Censo municipal de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. 2 v. 1887.

Census Committee. Preliminary Reports for Census of 1895. Buenos Aires. 1896.

Datos trimestrales del comercio exterior de la Republica Argentina. Buenos Aires.

Estadistica general del comercio exterior de la Republica Argentina. Annual. Bu nos


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