Tliese islands are mostly of coial foiinatioii; juost of theiu glow cocoa-nut trees in large quantities, and some of them are valuable for their guano.
The High Commissioner of the Western Pacific, assisted by deputies, has jurisdiction, in accordance with an Order in Council of 1893, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the Pacific Islanders' Protection Acts of 1872 and 1875, and to settle disputes between British sul»jects living in these islands. The jurisdiction of the High Commissioner extends over all the Western Pacific not within the limits of Fiji, Queensland, or New South Wales, or the jurisdiction of any civilised Power, and includes the Southern Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, Samoa Islands, Tonga Islands, and the various small groups in Melanesia.
High Commissioner. — Sir G. T. M. O'Brien.
Annual Rei)ort.s on the Briti.sli Solomon Islands,
Cooper (H. S.), The Islands of the Paciric. 8. London, 1888.
Coote (W.), Western Paeiflc Islands. 8. London, 1883.
£Jii»(W.), Polynesian Researches. 4 vols. 12. London, 18/J 3.
Fornander (A.), An Aceount of the Polynesian Race. 3 vols. 8, London, 1878.
Ouppy (H. B.), The Solomon Lslands, their Geologj', (fcc. S. London, 1887. The Solomon Islands and their Natives. 8, London, 1887.
Montgomery (H. H.), The Light of Melanesia, [Mission work.] London, 1897.
Moss (F. J.), Through Atolls and Islands. 8. London, 1889.
Penny (A.), Ten Years in Melanesia. 12. London, 1887.
Powell (B. F. S. B.), In Savage Isles and Settled Lands. 8. London, 1892,
Rambles in Polynesia. By Sundowner. London, 1897.
i?«c/us (E.), Nouvelle Geographie Universelle. Vol. xiv. 8. Paris, 1889.
Beeves (E.), Brown Men and Women, or the South Sea Islands in 1895-90. London, 1898.
Romilly (H. H.), The Western Pacific and New Guinea. 2nd ed. 8. London, 1887.
67. JoAft«ton( A.), Camping among Cannibals. 8. London, 1893.
Shoemaker (M. M.), Islands of the Southern Seas. New York, 1898.
r;io»n»on(B.), South Sea Yarns. 8. London, 1894.
Wallace (A. R), Australasia. 8. London.
Wawn(W. T.). The South Sea Islanders and the Queensland Labour Trade. 8. London, 1889.
Woodford (C. M.), A Naturalist among the Headhunters (Solomon Islands). 8.
London, 1890.