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Australasian Statistics, published annually, by T. A. Coghlan, A.M.Inst.C.E., Govern, nient Statistician of New South Wales. Sydney.

Colonial Ofhce List. Published annually. London.

Statistical Abstract for the several Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom . Annual. London.

Official Record of the Proceedings and Debates of the National Australasian Convention held In the Parliament House, Sydney, New South Wales, March and April, 1891. London, 1801.

The Seven Colonies of Australasia, by T. A. Coghlan, Government Statistician of New South Wales. Published annually .since 18.86. Sydney.

The Year-Book of Australia. Edited by the Hon. Edward Greville. Published annually. London. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., Limited.

Report on the work of the Horn Scicntilic Expedition to Central Australia. In four parts— Narrative, Zoology, Geology and Botany, Anthropology. Melbourne, 1897.

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2. Non-Official Publications.

Bates (H. W.) and Eden (C. H.), Colonel Warburton's Journey across Australia. 8. London, 1875.

Calvert (A. J.), The Discovery of Australia. London, 189.3. The Exploration of Australia. London, 1895.

Chalmerg {R.), A History of Currency in the British Colonies. London, 1893.

Collingridge (G.), The Discovery of Australia. Sydney, 1895.

Cotton (J. S.) and Payne (E. J.), Colonies and Dependencies, in ' English Citizen ' Series. London, 1883.

Craui (G. C), The Federal Defence of Australasia, London, 1897.

Davitt (M.), Life and Progress in Australia, London, 1898.

Demarr (J.), Adventures in Australia Fiftv Years Ago (1839-44). 8. London, 1893.

Dilke (Sir Charles Wentworth, Bart., M.P.), Greater Britain: a Record of Travel in English-Speaking Countries in 1866 and 1867. New edit. 8. London, 1885.

Dilke (Sir C. W.). Problems of Greater Britain. 2 vols. London, 1890.

Epps (W.), The Land Systems of Australia. 8. London, 1894.

Favenc (Ernest), The History of Australian Exploration. Sydney, 1888.

Ftnch-Hatton (Hon. H.), Advance, Australia : an Account of Eight Years' Work, Wandci - ing, and Amusement in Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria. London, 1885.

FnrreHiSohw), Explorations in Australia. 8. London, 1875.

Frou(ie(J. A.), Oceana; or, England and her Colonies. London, 1886.

Garran (R. R.), The Coming Commonwealth, a Handbook of Federal Government. Sydney, 1807.— Australasia Illustrated. Vol. I. London, 1898.

Oiies (E.), Australia Twice Traversed. 2 vols. London, 1890.

Gordon and Gotch, Australian Handbook. Annual. London.

Hardman (Wni.), John M'Douall Stuart's Journals of Explorations in Australia from 1858 to 1862. 8. London, 1866.

Inf^Zts (James), Our Au.stralian Cousins. 8. London, 1880.

Jenks (E.). The Australasian Colonies, from their Foundation to the year 1893. London, 1895.

Kent (W. Saville), The Great Barrier Reef of Australia. 4. London, 1893.— The Natu- ralist in Australia. London, 1807.

I.atig (G. S.), The .\bori"iries of Australia. Melbourne, 186.'>.

Laurie (J. S.), The Story of Australasia. 8. London, 1896.

ilfoore (H.), The Commonwealth of Au.stralia. [Four lectures on the proposed Federal Constitution.] Melbourne, 1807.

P«'theT»Vfc(E. A.), .Australia in "1897, London, 1897.

JR«cI««(E.), Geographic UniverscUe. Vol. XIV. Paris, 1889.

RuHden (G. W.), The History of Australia. 3 vols. London, 1883.

Schvieisser (R.), Australasian Goldfields. [Eng. Trans.] London, 1898.

Semon (R.), In the Australian Bush and on the Coast of the Coral Sea. Experiences &c. of a Naturalist. London, 1890.

Shaw (Flora L.), Tho Story of Australia. London, 1807.

.Silver (8. W.), Han<ll)ook"for Australia and New Zealand. 5th edit. London, 1888.

Spencer (B), and Gillen (F. J.), The Native Tribes of Central Australia. London, 1899.

Todd (A.), Parliamentary Government in the British Colonies. 8. London, 1880.

Tregarthen (G.), Australian Commonwealth. [In 'Story of the Nations' Series.] 8. London, 1893.

Trr/Hope (Anthony), Australasia and New Zealand. 8. London, 1673. New edit. 187."'. Walker (H. de R,), Australasian Democracy. London, 1897.

Tt'a»ac« (A. R.), Australia. 6th edit. 8. London, 1893.

Wallace (R.), The Rural Economy and Agriculture of Australia and New Zealand. S. London, ISOl.

Westgarth (William), Half a Century of Australian Progress. London, 1889,

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