o,27ol.; twenty-one leases of lead mines ; and fifty-three of coal mines. Gold exported during 1895, 231,513 oz., valued at 879,748^. ; in 1896, 281,265 oz., value 1,068,808/.; in 1897, 674,994 oz., value 2,564,977Z.
Along the river-courses of the north and north-east of the colony are about 20,000,000 acres of lairly well-watered country, affording good pasturage.
The total value of the imports and exports, including bullion and specie, of Western Australia, in the last six years is shown in the subjoined statement : —
1893 I 1894 ; 1895
£ 6,418,565 3,940,098
Imports. Exports.
£ 1 £ £ 1,494,438 .2,114,414 3,774,951 918,147 1,251,406 1,332,554
£ 6,493,557 1,650,226
In 1897, of the total imports the value of 4,097, 702Z. was subject to duty, and 2,320,863/. duty free. The total imports from the United Kingdom amounted to 2, 62^1,086/., and exports to the United Kingdom 1,736,205X
The values and quantities are furnished in the entries by importers and exi)orters, sup- jiorted by invoices and declarations. The values are scrutinised by the statistical branch of the Customs at Fremanlle, and corrected when evidently inconsistent with current rates The countries (if origin of imports and of destination of exports are those disclosed in the entries and in the corresjionding invoices or shipping bills. The trade returns include all goods entered from and cleared to foreign countries or places outside the Colony. Of transit trade, however, no record has been instituted. The statistical results, though accurate as regards the traile of the C'olony considered by itself, are not easily comparable with those of other Australian colonies. The prevailing diversity of system, and the want of a General Statistical Board provided with expert knowledge for the determination of values, render it impossible to reconcile with nicety the returns of one Colony with those of another.
The chief exports are :— Gold, value in 1894, 787,099/.; in 1895, 879,748/.; in 1896, 1,068,808/. ; in 1897, 2,564.977/. ; pearls, value in 1895, 20,000/. ; in 1896, 20,000/. ; in 1897, 20,000/. (estimated) ; pearl-shell, value in 1895, 27,298/. ; in 1896, 30,213/. ; in 1897, 40,253/. ; .sandalwood, value in 1895, 30,863/.; in 1896, 65,800/.; in 1897, 49,480/. ; timber, value in 1894, 74,804/. ; in 1895, 88,146/. ; in 1896, 116,420/. ; in 1897. 192,451/. ; wool, value in 1893, 244,972/. ; in 1894. 232,201/. ; in 1895, 183,510/. ; in 1896, 267,506/. ; in 1897, 295,646/.; skins, value in 1895, 18,588/. ; in 1896, 18,111/. ; in 1897, 28,021/.
The distribution of the trade in 1897 was : —
I ID ports from
Exi)orts to
United Kingdom . Australasian Colonies Other British Possessions United States Other Foreign Countries
Total .
The value of the imports into the United Kingdom from "Western Australia and of the exports of domestic produce and nianufactuios from tlie United Kingdom to Western Australia, according to the Uoard of Trnilo ndurns. in
pach of the last live years was ;— -