The births, deaths, and marriages for five years have been as follows :-
Deaths. i Excess of Births.
1893 1894 1895 1896 1897
5,216 4,852 4,790 4,603 4,654
848 847 847 964 1,052
2,071 1,938
1,811 1,901 1,947
8,145 2,914 2,979 2,702 2,737
Of the total births in 1897, 269, or 574 per cent., were illegitimate. The number of immigrants and emigrants was as follows in each of the last six years : —
1895 1896
1897 1
Immigrants Emigrants,^
23,744 24,407
18,089 18,649
17,009 15,786
18,767 i 19,076 17,168 1 15,419
20,735 16,697
1 It is estimated that the departures are understated by about 7 per cent.
The direct movement of population is mainly between the Australian colonies (chiefly Victoria) and Tasmania.
The population of the capital, Hobart, on 6th April, 1891, was 24,905, and of Launceston 17,108.
The Government contributes 175Z. annually for various religious pur- poses. On 5th April, 1891, the census showed belonging to the Church of England 76,082 of the population; Roman Catholics, 25,805; Wesleyan Methodists, 17,150; Presbyterians, 9,756; Independents, 4,501; Jews, 84; Baptists, 3,285; Friends, 176; other sects, 9,828.
There are 13 superior schools or colleges in the colony, with (1897) an average attendance of 1,540 ; 282 public elementary schools, with 21,759 scholars on roll ; and 173 private schools, with 7,083 scholars. Education is compulsory. There were also about 549 children attending ragged schools. There are also two technical schools at Hol)art and Launceston. The higher education is under a university, who hold examinations and grant degrees. Elementary education is under the control of a director working under a ministerial head. There are several valuable scholarships from the lower to the higher schools. At the census of 1891 the number of persons returned as unable to read and write was 37,034, or 25 '38 per cent, of the population.
The total cost to Government of education in 1897, including grants to university (2,500Z. ), and technical education (852Z.), was 39,006Z. There are 40 public libraries and mechanics' institutes, with about 78,000 volumes.
There are 5 daily, 5 weekly 2 tri-weekly, 1 bi-weekly, and 6 monthly journals.