til 1897 tlieie were 44,695 convictions before magistrates; and 891 at Quarter Sessions and at Central Criminal and Circuit Courts ; total con- victions 45,586.
The police force of the colony is 1,897 strong.
There are in all 59 gaols. On December 31, 1897, there were 2,257 prisoners in confinement.
The following are statistics of net revenue (gi*oss revenue for 1897-98) ;— ^
B*roni Taxation
Land Revenue
From Services
From Mis- cellaneous Sources
Total Net Revenue
£ 2,688,693 1,288,781 2,493,622 2,396,412 2,570,489
£ 2,078,751 1,037,683 1,976,240 1,898,835 2,023,071
£ 4,236,631 1,989,248 4,299,219 4,558,626 4,633,196
£ 296,668 162,803 305,697 253,623 255,379
£ 9,300,743 4,478,515 9,074,778 9,107,496 9,482,135
1 Six months January to June.
- Year ended June 30. Tlie figures for the financial year represent the gross receipts. Tiie total refunds for the year amounted to 178,3101. so tliat the total net revenue was 9,303,S25L ; but the latter amount cannot be distributed under the different headings shown in the table.
Under the heading * Services ' is included revenue from railways, train - ways, post, and telegraphs, &c.
The bulk of taxation is obtained indirectly through the Customs HouSe* as may be seen from the accompanying summary for the year ending June 30, 1898 :—
Customs, 1,256,097/. ; Excise, 291,343Z. ; Stamp Duties, 348,558Z. j Land Tax, 371, 870/. ; Income Tax, 180,103/. } Licenses, 122,518/. ; totalj 2,570,489/.
The following table shows the net expenditure (gross expenditure fof 1897-98), exclusive of expenditure from loans : —
and Tramways
Post and Tele- graphs
Interest on
Public t)ebt
and Unfunded)
Immi- gration
Instruc- tion
Other Public Works
and Services
Total Net Expendi- ture
£ 9,178,706 4,844,299 9,523,057 9,140,625 9,391,012
18951 ! 1895-96 1 1896-97
' isgt-gsa
, 1,848,749
- 1,800,027
£ 733,042 385,156 726,557 700,905 702,361
2,255,255 1,13.S,566 2,262,997 2.267,861 2,271,833
£ 2,109 695
r I**
£ 738,410 391,339 758,190 707,111 722,308
3,?37,.375 2,069,630 3,026,008 3,604,721 3,8.39,123
1 January to June.
'- Year ended June 30. The expenditure shown for the year 1897-8 is the gross amount, but deducting the n-funds shown above, the net expenditure was 9,212,702/. ; the latt*!- amount, however, cannot be distributed under the headings shown in the table.
The amount of the Public Delit on June 30, 1897, was 61,074,498/., AVitli
mean rate of interest 371 per cent. Of this amount fully 81 percent, has been