< Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu
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Chief industry, sheep-farming ; 2,325,154 acres pasturage. Horses 2,758, cattle 7,343, sheep 732,010, pigs about 200. In 1897 42 vessels of 54,144 tons arrived in the colony. Up to September 30, 1897, 38,270Z. had been deposited in the Savings Bank by 327 depositors. About 15,000 letters and postcards pass through Post Office yearly ; 1,200 lbs. of newspapers monthly,

Monerj, JFcights, and Measures. — Same as in great Britain.

References : Annual Report for the Colony.

Danoi/i (C. R.), Journal of Researches, &c., during a Voyage Round the World. 8. London, 1S45.

Falkner (Tliomas), Description of Patagonia and atljoining parts of South America. 4. Hereford, 1774.

Murdoch (W. G. B.), From Edinburgh to the Antarctic (1892-93). 8. London, 1894.


Oovcrnor— Sir Walter J. Sendall, K. C. M.G. (5, 000?. ).

Includes the settlements of Demerara, Essequibo, and Berbice, named from the three rivers. Extends from 8° 40' N. latitude to 6° 45' N. latitude, and from 56" 15' to 61° 50' W. longitude. For legislative purposes the Governor is assisted by a Court of Policy of seven official and eight elective members (the latter elected by the registered voters) and a Combined Court, containing, in addition to the above, six financial representatives elected by the registered voters. The functions of the Combined Court are to consider the Estimate of Expenditure, and to raise the Ways and Means to meet it, and this Court alone can levy taxes. Executive and administrative functions are exercised by the Governor and an Executive Council. There are 2,416 registered electors. The Roman-Dutch Law is in force in civil cases, modified by orders in Council ; the criminal law is based on that of Great Britain.

Area, 109,000 square miles. This includes the area claimed by Venezuela up to the Schomburgk line. Population (1896-7), 285,315. At the census of 1891 the population was 278,328, of whom were 2, 533 born in Europe ; 99,615 Africans ; 105,465 East Indians, mainly coolies ; 3,714 Chinese. Births (1896) 9,276 ; deaths 7,513. Capital, Georgetown, 53,176 (1891). Living on sugar estates 90,492 ; in villages and settlements 125,757. Of the total in 1891, 125,757 were agricultural labourers. Immigrants from India (1896-97), 2,380; return emigrants, 2,059. 209 schools received Government grant (£20,883 65. 5K in 1896-97), with about 28,268 pupils.

Paupers (1896-97) receiving out-door relief, 3,051. In 1895-6 there were 11,686 summary convictions ; 214 before the superior courts for serious ofi'ences.

1892-3 ! 1893-4





Revenue . Expenditure

£ i £ 566,422 ; 593,285 542,470 1 566,833


579,158 586,482

£ 558,090 596,493


545,171 590,616

£ 505,369 562,598

Chief items of revenue (1896-97) : customs, 294,671^.; licences, 108,859/.; rum duty, 49,780Z. ; royalty on gold, 23,902/. Expenditure on civil establish- ment, 156,718.; ecclesiastical, 22,586/.; judicial, 37,854/.; education 31,431/. ; public works, 23,800/. Public debt (1897-98) 949,402/. Two bank.s with note circulation of 109,232/. on 31st Alarch 1897. Savings banks 20 305 depositors (Dec. 31, 1896), credited with 264,873/. ' '

Under cultivation (1891), 79,278 acres; sugar, 69,814 acres; 74 sugar

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