Statistical Abstract for the several colonial and other possessions of the United Kingdom , Annual. London.
Mauritius Blue Book. Annual.
Barkly (F. A.), From the Tropics to the Xorth Sea. [Treats of the Seychelles.] London, 1807.
Chalmers {B..), A History of Currency in the British Colonies. London, 1893.
Decotter (N.) Geographic de Maurice et de ses D«';pcndances. Mauritius, 1891.
Epinay (Adricn d'), Renscigiienients pour servir i\ I'liistoirc de I'lle de France Jnsqu'a I'annee ISIO inclusivcnient. Mauritius, 1890.
Flemyng (M.), Mauritius, or the Isle of France. S. London, 1862.
Martin {\l. Montgomery), The British Possessions in Africa. Vol. iv. History of the British Colonies. 8. London, 1834.
The Mauritius Almanac. Annual. Mauritius.
The Mauritius Civil List. I'wice Yearly. Mauritius.
Unienville{h(i Baron d'), Statistiquede I'lle Maurice et ses dependances. Mauritius, 1886.
Constitution and Government.
The colony of Natal, formerly an integral part of the Cape of Good Hope settlement, was erected in 1856 into a separate colony under the British Crown, represented first by a Lieutenant- Governor, and since 1882 by a Governor. A charter of consti- tution was granted in 1856, and modified in 1875 and 1879 ; the charter now in force was granted in 1893.
By the Constitution Act (Law No. 14, 1893), which came into force July 20, 1893, the legislative authority resides in the Queen, a Legislative Council, and a Legislative Assembly. Her Majesty is represented by the Governor, whose assent (revocable within two years, in manner prescribed) is required to all bills before they become law. The Governor appoints the ministers, and with their advice, the members of the Legislative Council.^ He issues writs for general election of members of the Legislative Assembly, fixes the place and time of the sessions of the legislative bodies, and may prorogue or dissolve tlie Assembly. He may also, by message, transmit the draft of any bill to be introduced in either house. The Legis- lative Council consists of eleven members, each of whom must be at least thirty years of age, must have resided ten years in the colony, and must be registered proprietor of real property of the net value of 500Z. Members hold their seats for ten years, provision being made for the withdrawal of five at the end of the first five years. The President is appointed by the Governor. The Legislative Assembly consists of thirty-seven members chosen by the electors. Each Legislative Assembly continues for four years, unlcs.s sooner dissolved. It meets annually or oftener, appoints its Speaker, and adopts (with the approval of the Governor) its own standing rules and orders. Money bills must originate in the Assembly, and the Legislative Council may accept or reject but not alter them. No money bill, however, for any purjiose not
1 The first Legislative Council was nominated solely by the Governor.