There is a special coinage issued under the Sultan's authority, of which the Maria Theresa dollar is the unit ; but the British Indian rupee is the coin now universally current, though in all business transactions the dollar is the standard of value. The dollar has a fixed value of 2 rupees 2 annas, and the rupee is worth 47 cents.
British Agent and Consul- General. — SirArthurH. Hardinge,K.C.M.G., C.B.
Consul. — Basil Cave, C.B.
Judge. — Walter B. Cracknall, C.M.G. Assistant Judge. — F.J. CoUinson.
Viee-Comuls. — V. K. Kestell-Cornish, D. MacLennan, H. C. C. Dundas.
Vice-Consul at Pemha. — D, R. O'Sullivan.
Books of Reference concerning British East Africa.
Correspondence and Farther Correspondence rehiting to Zanziljar. London, 1886-90. Correspondence concerning the Abolition of the Legal Status of Slavery in Zanzibar and Peniba. London, 1897. Anti-Slavery Decree by Sultan of Zanzibar. Africa, No. 1 of 1890-91. Reports on the Slave Trade of the East Coast of Africa (Africa, No. 7), 1887-88, and Africa, No. 6 of 1890-91.
Report on the East Africa Protectorate by Sir A. Hardinge. London, 1897. Foreign Office Rejiorts. Annual Series. London. Handbook of E. Africa. Intelligence Department, War Office, 1894. Hertslefs Treaties and the Map of Africa, by Treaty. 2nd ed, Vol. IL London, 1897. Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. London.
Statistical Abstract for the Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom, London.
Ashe (Rev. R. P.), Two Kings of Uganda. 2nd ed. London, 1897.
Baumann (Oscar), Durch Masailand zur Nilquelle. 8. Berlin, 1^94. Die Insel Sansibar, Published by the Verein fiir Erdkunde. Leipzic, 1897.
Bottego (V.), Viaggi di Scoperto nel Cuore dell' Africa. II Giuba Esplorato. Rome, 1895. C7ian/er(W. A.), Through Jungle and Desert. 8. London. 1896. ColviUe (Sir H.), The Land of the Nile Springs. London, 1895. Decle (L.), Three Years in Savage Africa. London, 1897.
FitzOerald (W. W. A.), Travels in the Coastlands of British East Africa. London, 1898, Gregory (J. W.), The Great Rift Valley. 8. London, 1896. Ho tinel {Lieut, von), Discovery of Lakes Rudolf, &c. 2 vols. London, 1893. Johnston (H. H.), Kilimanjaro. London, 1885. Johnston (Sir Harry), The Colonisation of Africa. Cainbri<lge, 1899. Junker (W.), Travels in Africa, 1875-78. London, 1890. Travels in Africa, 1882-86. London, 1892.
Reltie (J. Scott), The Partition of Africa. 2nd ed. London, 1895.
Lu.aa rrf (Capt. F. D.), The Rise of our East African Empire. 2 vols. London, 1893, British East Africa and Uganda. London, 1892.
McDermott (P. L.), British East Africa. London, 1895.
MacDonald (J. R. L.), Soldiering and Surveying in British East Africa. London, 1897. Meyer (Hans), Across East African Glaciers. [Translation contains Bibliography on this subject.] 8. London, 1891.
Newman (H. S.), Banani : The Transition from Slavery to Freedom in Zanzibar and Pemba. London, 1898.
Ortroz (F. Van), Conventions Internationales Concernant I'Afrique. Brus.sels, 1898. Peters (Dr.), New Light on Dark Africa. [Narrative of the German Emin Pasha Expedi- tion.] 8. London, 1891.
Portal (Sir G.), Mission to Uganda. London, 1894.
Reclus{E.), Geographic Universelle. Vol. XIII. Paris, 1888. (English Edition, vols. x. and xii.)
Seott-Elliot (G. F.), A Naturalist in Mid-Africa. London, 1896. Smith (A. Donaldson), Through Unknown African Countries. London, 1897. Stanley (H. M.), Through the Dark Continent. 2 vols. London, 1878. Thomson (Joseph), To the Central African Lakes and Back. 2 vols. London, 1881. Thomson {J ofieyh), Through Masai Land. London, 1885.
Vandeleur (C. F. S.), Two Years' Travel in Uganda, .be, and on the Upper Nile. Qeographical Journal, Vol. IX. (Ai>ril, 1897). London, l.s97. White (A. Silva), The Development of Africa. London, 1890.
WiUon (Rev. C. T.) and Felkin (R. W.), Uganda-and the Egyptian Soudan. 2 vols. London, 1882.
Tiavels of Burton, Spcke, Grant, Baker, and Junker.
Gambia, Gold Coast, Lagos. See West African Colonies.
Mashonaland, Matabeleland. Sec South Africa (British).