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between the British and German spheres from the mouth of the Songwe on Lake Nyasa to the entrance of the River Kilambo on Tanganyika.

There are 20 post offices. A telegraph line through the Protectorate to Tanganyika is being constructed by the African Trans-Continental Telegraph Company. The line opened connects Fort Johnston, Zomba and Blantyre with Tete, Salisbury, and Cape Town. There is a system of telephones con- necting the Residency with the headquarters camp, and also connecting Zomba, Blantyre, and Liwonde by means of the Telegraph Company's wire.

H.M. Commissioner and Consiil- General. — Alfred Sharpe, C.B.


Foreign Office Reports on British Central Africa (including Report for 1897), and Annual Report of the British South Africa Company.

British South Africa Company's Report for 1896-97. London, 1898.

Bertrand (A.), Au Pays des Ba-rotsi. Paris, 1898.

Bryden (H. A.), Gun and Camera in Southern Africa. 8. London, 1893.

Buchanan (J.), The Industrial Development of Nyasaland. Qeographical Journal, Vol, L, 1893

Coillard (F.), Sur le Haut Zanibeze. Paris, 1897. [Eng. Trans. On the Threshold of Central Africa. Missionary Work. London, 1897.]

Decle (L.), Three Years in Savage Africa. London, 1897.

Foa (E.), Du Cap au Lac Nyasse. Paris, 1897.

Fotheringham (L. M.), Adventures in Nyassaland. 8. London, 1891.

Gibbons (A. St. H.), A Journey in the Marotse and Mashikolumbwe Countries. — Beid (P. C), A Journey up the MachiU.— Bertrand (A.), From the Machilito Lialui. Three papers in the Oeograghical Journal, Vol. IX., No. 2 (February, 1897). London.

//ore (E. C), Tanganyika: Eleven Years in Central Africa. 2nd ed. 8. London, 1892.

Johnston (Sir H. H.), British Central Africa. 4. London, 1897.

Johnston (Sir Harry), The Colonisation of Africa. Cambridge, 1899.

Keltic (J. Scott), The Partition of Africa. 2nd edition. London, 1895.

Money (R. I.) and Smith (S. K.), Explorations in the Country West of Lake Nyasa. Geographical Journal, Vol. X. (August, 1897). London.

Moore (J. E. S.), The Physiographical -Aspects of the Nyasa and Tanganyika Districts. Geographical Journal, Vol. X. (September, 1S97.) London.

brtroz (F. Van), Conventions Internationales Concernant I'Afrique. Brussels, 1898.

Bankin (D. J.), The Zambezi Basin and Nyasaland. 8. London, 1893.

Sclater (Lieut. B. L.), Routes in Nyasaland. Geographical Journal, Vol. II., 1893.

Schiveinfurih (G. ), Three Years' Travel and Adventure in the Unexplored Regions of Central Africa, 1868-71. [Englisli Translation by Miss E. E. Frewer.] London, 1873.

White (A. Silva), The Development of Africa. London, 1890.


British East Africa consists of a large area on the mainland (including the East Africa Protectorate and the Uganda Protectorate), under the immediate control of the Foreign Office, together with the Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, still governed through their Arab Sultan.

By the Anglo-German Agreements of November 1, 1886, and July 1, 1890, the southern boundary of the territory extends in a north-west direction from the north bank of the mouth of the River Umba, going round by the north of Kilimanjaro, to where the 1st parallel of S. latitude cuts Lake Victoria. Thence across the lake and westwards on the same parallel to the boundary of the Congo Free State. To the north and east, the British sphere (which merges indehnitely with the old Sudan Provinces of Egypt) is bounded, according to the Anglo- Italian agreement of 1891, by the Juba river up to 6° N. latitude ; by that parallel as far as 35° E. longitude ; and by that meridian northwards as far as the Blue Nile. It is conterminous with the Italian sphere of influence and with Abyssinia as far as the confines of Egypt. To the west it is bounded by the Congo Free State, the line of partition being 30° E. longitude, northwards to the Nile Congo watershed, which then be-

comes the frontier as far as the northernmost point of that State (the source of

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